Chapter 88

“Don’t embarrass yourself!”


When Steven opened his eyes, he was startled “Jane? What are you doing here? Uh…”

Then, scratching his head awkwardly, “Well, you’re here too.”



t came to hang out with Christine. Make yourself at home.” I teased, pointing at the shoe rack.

Judging by his reaction, this wasn’t his first time here. No need for me to fetch him slippers.

Turning back, I shot Christine an inquisitive look.

Christine just shrugged. “It’s not what you think. Still flying solo here.”

“Jane, just wait for the good news from me!”

had bounced back from his awkwardness, slipping into

and banter.

“Get lost. Why are you even

said you were feeling under the weather. Came to


off guard. I rushed over.

grabbed my sketchpad and settled by the

were let out from school, and their laughter

but wonder

want him to look like Bryant, with his one-in-a-million handsome face and long legs. But definitely not his personality. But his personality? Absolutely not.

girl, let her be like me, but with more love to keep her forever basking in the

glimmer of light like I

knows how long, Christine barged in. “Jane, wanna get some

Chapter 88

“Where to?”

“You’ll see.”

some fun. If you don’t come along, I might end

“Alright, alright.”

gave in, hoping to keep her from

and me in the

Steven glanced at his phone, then, multitasking, texted back in the group chat.

he was

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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