Chapter 422

When I got back to the nursing home, Ramona had already turned in for the night. I tucked in the corners of her blanket a little tighter and gave a few instructions to the caregiver before I headed out. I made a beeline for the hotel to check in.

The next morning, after getting ready, I was about to leave for the nursing home to visit Ramona when I got a call from Dr. Andrews‘ assistant. I stepped out of my room, phone to ear.

On the other end, the assistant sounded a bit frustrated, “Ms. Webster, did you not inform your family that Dr. Andrews would be taking over Ramona’s treatment today?”

“What?” I paused, puzzled. “Is there a problem?”

The assistant sighed, “We had barely arrived when your relatives showed up, insisting they didn’t want Dr. Andrews to handle Ramona’s treatment.”

then it

like Ramona’s daughter–in–law

right there. Please apologize to Dr. Andrews

arrived than Dorothy Myers and her daughter became restless. They were scared of Ramona’s passing, fearing a certain mysterious will might come to light. And even more terrified that if Ramona regained consciousness, the Myers estate might fall into my hands,

Containing my anger, I first apologized to Dr. Andrews, “Professor, I’m

and deal with it. I’ll grab some breakfast in the meantime.” Dr. Andrews was understanding; it was just another unsightly drama, after all. Having been in the medical field for decades, family disputes over inheritance were nothing new



Chapter 422

Dr. Andrews had left, I knocked on the door. “Dorothy, open the

feigning ignorance, then added, “That doctor, he didn’t look professional at all. Who knows

attitude. I smirked, countering, “Are you worried

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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