In the exclusive lounge of the RiverCity Clubhouse, the atmosphere was lively.

The man seated at the head of the table, dressed in a tailor-made suit, had an expression so neutral it was impossible to gauge his mood. Yet, even without uttering a single word, his aura of authority was enough to dominate the room.

Sitting to his right, a man raised his glass. “Mr. Ferguson, we’re fully committed to this project. Whatever RF needs, consider it done.”

Profit was a secondary concern. The primary goal was to forge a connection with the RF Group. In RiverCity, hitching your wagon to RF’s star was a dream many shared. Starting with a collaborative project seemed like a good way to show sincerity, with the details to be figured out later. However, it appeared that such gestures of goodwill no longer impressed RF.

Bryant glanced at his watch, then stood up nonchalantly. “If there’s nothing innovative on the table, we’ll wait for the Marketing Department’s feedback.” Technically, Bryant didn’t need to attend this low-level networking event. He was actually next door, catching up with his childhood friends, when York Carlson roped him into this.

shown up. York was here as a favor to his cousin, who had sung Alaric’s praises. York had expected something impressive, not the lackluster presentation that was laid out before them. Scanning the room,

wait for the news.” Bryant,

“Mr. Ferguson…”

left people to keep an eye on Mrs. Ferguson in Vista Town. So any unusual activity there would immediately be reported back


her end?” The “her” in

exactly… Kevin hesitated, then corrected himself, “In a way, yes.” From the perspective of their boss, it was certainly trouble.

worry, searching the waters day and night. Back then, no one could talk him down, not even his grandfather. With Jane gone,

to relay the message. “Mrs. Ferguson…” He corrected

and looking very intimate. Mrs. Ferguson, now Ms. Webster, was even

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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