Chapter 496

Edith’s words seemed to tighten the grip of Herbert holding her hand, his palm burning against her wrist with an intensity that was almost unbearable. Already dressed in his suit, the grey stripes lent Herbert an air of solidity and formality, a stark contrast to the passion they shared in bed. With an earnest tone, he explained, “Edith, taking the morning-after pill can mess with your hormones. It’s not good for you.”

Edith couldn’t help but laugh, “You do realize that getting an abortion is even worse for your health, don’t you?”

“Then keep the baby.”

“Excuse me?” She gave him a disbelieving look. “Herbert, you can’t possibly think you’re being responsible here? We’re divorced, and you still want me to have your child? Sure, in exchange for thirty percent of the Taylor Group’s shares.”

of the Taylor Group’s shares. Having a child and taking half of

to the value of the shares, but the shares themselves involve

away thirty percent of the shares of a conglomerate was unimaginable even one percent was a decision to be made with extreme caution, Since taking over the Taylor family business, Herbert had always put family interests first, relegating everything and everyone else to a secondary position. He bore not just his

made flawlessly.

laughed, a hint of disappointment in her voice, “Herbert, don’t forget, I’m a Ford through and through. Do

Edith was used to having influence and held idealistic views about love. This was the main reason why she agreed to an arranged marriage and then decided to divorce. She yearned for a love that was whole-hearted and unconditional, which Herbert could not provide. Beyond himself,

deal-breaker for Edith.

what do you want? Are the shares that important to

not about

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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