Chapter 16 for Disappointment

he Seabourke Architectural Institute received yet another assignment from the top bram–they had to transform

el to oversee the new assignment, hence the dinner engagement with the director of the Seabourke Art Museum..

nexet the art museum countless times throughout dinner. Before long, they had finished a bottle of

with Noel, he acidentally knocked the latter’s glass. Their was that and a clatter as the glass tell

got another glass and a new bottle of wine from the waiter by the entrance

(she tumed in the direction of the unge door that was left ajar. She caught a glimpse of a heart–stopping figure

hedinties mache in her purse and found the packet her friend had given her earlier that day. They had met up for tea when Brella mentioned she had yet

i misterious packet into her fund and said, “Dve this on him and you II have him wrapped around your little finger in ne

old her friends to wait for her in the lounge while she used the restroom.

Get returned to Noel’s lounge with a new wine glass and a bottle of wine

capik eesconced in the lobby. They were staring at the lounge, marking every movement. One of them called

guts to


we hired back out of the plan and tell the men


ending the call.

perfectly at ease in her quietude. A smirk curled his lips. It didn’t

men were the same–that when presented

a few rounds of drinking when Noel left the lounge and the crowd

white wall

his arm, keeping him upright. “Mr. Howard, are you all night?” The woman’s

She was dinging onto him at this point, her curves pressed up against his arm. He

had been lit within his core. At once, something

to catch your breath? Stella offered innocently even as she pulled him close, allowing him to brace his


locked the door before helping ! Noel to the

out to touch

shot her a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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