Chapter 78

Garner furrowed his brows, eyeing Clarence with suspicion. “What exactly are you up to?”

Clarence wanted to step inside, but Garner blocked his way.

“Clarence! I’m warning you, you better not show your face at my place alone.” Garner spat out angrily, barely holding back the urge to throw a punch.

Clarence, this typical rich kid, couldn’t take a hit, especially without his bodyguards around.

Clarence clenched his fingers into a fist. “Are you sure she hasn’t come back?”

“How could she come back after you drove her out of Silvergrove City? My nephew is asleep, so

cut the crazy act.” Garner shoved Clarence out the door.

Clarence looked down, his breathing becoming erratic.

Kristin hadn’t returned, and even his people in Crescendo Town couldn’t locate her. She must be in trouble…

“Listen here, whether you believe it or not, I gotta tell you again. Our family never mistreated Ruby, and I never laid a finger on her. Kris was swapped out by my mom when she was just a baby, she’s always been the victim here. There’s no need for you guys to treat her like this.”

Garner grabbed Clarence by the collar, his eyes bloodshot and on the verge of losing control. “Please, for the love of God, be kind.”

Clarence shoved Garner away, his anger flaring up. “Garner, you’ve got no right to expect me to trust you. Ruby is too kind–hearted and she would never tarnish her reputation to frame you! If you treated her so well, why would she be so depressed that she could take her life at any moment? I’m telling you, Garner, when it comes to choosing between you and my sister Ruby, I will always stand by my sister.” Clarence got into his car and floored it away.

Garner rubbed his temples, cursing under his breath. “Idiot…”

These rich folks must be brainless.

Taking a deep breath, Garner locked the gate securely and then dashed back inside to pack. “Kris, wake up Summer, we’re getting out of here tonight.”

Kristin was curled up in a corner, her face pale with fear. “Has Clarence left?”

Garner glanced outside. “He’s gone for now, but who knows if he’ll come back. We ain’t got much to take, so we’re leaving tonight. Crime comes with a price, and Adrienne will get what’s coming to her. We’re not giving in or settling.”

Kristin hugged her knees, crying pitifully.

Last night, she really thought she was going to die. She was so scared, truly terrified.

“Don’t be scared. I won’t leave you alone. If we have to run, we run as a family. We can’t let you



Chapter 78

alone.” Garner was thick with emotion, his eyes reddening.

supposed to cry easily, but his

had been worried sick about Kristin lately, afraid she was out there struggling to get

let her suffer alone.

at Garner, her voice

tone, “Don’t fret. If things start to crumble, I’ll

condition is unstable and needs treatment… James said he’s discussed a treatment plan with specialists, which needs regular therapy

his hands, a powerless


forced a smile to look less scared. “Rhett said he’d

Kristin… what did you promise him? And what’s James doing? He’s Summer’s

Rhett touch you? I’ll kill him, just end

harassed in a hotel,

rheant to be

fiancée,” Kristin said with a weak smile.

froze, his hands dropping limply.

shield. occasionally. Because

how long Rhett would protect her,

least it would buy them some breathing room. “Rhett’s different from

If Rhett needed an obedient woman as a shield, there must be thousands out there. Why

Don’t you think he might have other schemes up his sleeve?” Garner wasn’t stupid. With Vincent in the picture, Rhett shouldn’t have chosen Kristin, but he did, which meant


Chapter 78

was killed

needs her treatments, we just can’t leave.” Kristin’s voice was barely audible, wanting

protection she hoped for,

left for her.

a dead end.

be the best outcome for Summer

the next room, Summer woke up, groggily calling for his mother.

the room, scooping up Summer in her arms. “I’m

into tears, thinking he was dreaming. “Mom, I miss you so much.”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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