Chapter 139

Outside the hotel, Randall pulled up in his sleek black sedan.

Hertha stood beside the car, her eyes wide with nervous anticipation as she watched Rhett. “Rhett,” she murmured.

Rhett didn’t even spare Hertha a glance, taking the laptop from Kristin’s hands and opening the car door for her. “Get in.”

Kristin was both flattered and aware that Rhett was using her as a shield, deliberately placing her in the line of fire.

But that was where her value lay.

“Rhett, Can we talk, please?” Hertha trembled with a sob. “You drank too much last night. I was only looking out for you. Can’t you trust me, please?”

Rhett signaled for York to close the car door.

“Ms. Haywood, maybe we should talk after the Harborside Haven project wraps up?” York coaxed in a hushed tone.

Hertha, tears welling in her eyes, stood rooted to the spot as Rhett closed the car door.

“Ms. Haywood, this way” The secretary opened the passenger door, beckoning her to get in.

With a sense of defeat, Hertha climbed into the passenger seat.

“Thirsty? You should drink more water if you’ve got a cold,” Rhett said to Kristin with a tenderness that was almost palpable.

York sat shivering, his legs trembling.

Mr. Fitzgerald was making it painfully obvious, which was all a performance for Hertha.

Hertha had crossed a line with Rhett once again last night.

But there was nothing York could do about it. He hadn’t dared tell Rhett that the video of him and Hertha leaving the same hotel suite had gone viral, now topping the trending searches.

The marriage alliance between the Haywood family and the Fitzgerald family was an unstoppable force.

Even if Rhett was unhappy, there was no way out. For the sake of both families‘ honor, an engagement was inevitable.

Sighing, York gazed out the window, fearing Hertha’s cunning might backfire.

Rhett despised being manipulated or used, and Hertha was being far too transparent.

How could the paparazzi have been so fortunate to capture that moment if not for some premeditated setup?

Chapter 139

the banquet might not be to your taste,” Rhett said to Kristin, unfazed

surprise. “Where

hadn’t seen Mr. Fitzgerald carrying chocolate.

with a

averted her gaze, staring out

charming. Even a casual joke from

a deep breath, Kristin tried to calm her nerves, her back turned to


was doing this on purpose, infuriating Hertha with his calculated indifference.


have to marry Hertha willingly

at a loss for

clenched her teeth, wishing Kristin would just

to erase Kristin completely, not just from sight, but to tarnish her reputation so thoroughly that she’d be forced to leave Silvergrove

at the

perhaps we should take another look at the project proposal?” York

took it with one hand, while secretly holding Kristin’s

clenched her fists when nervous,

In a place hidden from prying eyes, Rhett

as she gazed out the window, her cheeks burning

hoped Rhett not keep giving her false hope. Or was

needed to stay clear–headed. He was Rhett, after all.

the team at the venue says Nicola and Vincent arrived early, looking confident and ready to claim victory.” York whispered.

ignored York’s comment.

Chapter 139

capabilities? What


out and opened the door for

for Kristin to follow. He even took care to shield

and the secretary

softly, noticing Hertha’s teary eyes a standing

withering look. What concern was it of

watching, you’re putting Kristin in a tough spot. She’s already under enough scrutiny,” York added,

a point, and headed straight for the

all for show to Ms. Haywood. Don’t read too much into it. Sure, Mr. Fitzgerald is handsome, but don’t let your heart wander. Getting emotionally involved is messy, and you’d be the one getting hurt in the end.”

strictly a business relationship, and she shouldn’t

nose tingling as she nodded. “I

your work. Even if the contract ends early, he’ll likely keep you on at Fitzgerald Group. Your best days are ahead. Work hard. Let’s collaborate well. As long as Mr. Fitzgerald is here,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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