Chapter 46

The house where he left Laritte waiting in the carriage was the house of none other than Viscount Walson.

The most powerful man Rose could marry.

“Welcome, Duke!”

Viscount Walson scurried into the living room.

The man named Ian Reinhardt was like a heavenly being to the Viscount.

There could be no business out of reach to the Duke’s family.

And Ian himself was a frightening person.

“……Nice to see you, Viscount Walson.”

Ian said as he sat down on a well-designed chair, supporting his chin on his loose fist.

The Viscount lowered himself down on a chair across from him, nervousness clear in his eyes.

‘I heard he’s a Swordmaster. He’s as formidable as I expected.’

Ian’s tanned skin and well-built muscles were the best proof.

Compared to the Viscount’s mouse-like dwarf size.

He flinched as his eyes met Ian’s.

If someone was the scariest person in the world, Ian Reinhardt would be the one!

Laritte would snicker if she heard this. Since Ian was completely different in front of her.

Various cookies and black tea were placed on the table between Ian and the Viscount.

The latter smiled as he offered.

“Because I was recently alerted of your arrival…. the dessert that’s been prepared is insignificant. Please forgive me.”
“I see.”

While the Viscount panicked.

‘Is he saying it’s fine or does he want me to bring another dessert?’

He even wondered if he should go to a nearby aristocracy and rent a kitchen.

Ian’s eyes shifted to the hands of the Viscount. He could tell how nervous he was.

“I don’t know if black tea suits my taste.”
“Then, why didn’t you drink green tea?”
“Oh, it’s no problem! This tea is from a brand that I usually order from. It’s also very popular. That’s why I initially thought it’d fit me well, especially since I don’t have much variation in taste.”
“No wonder……”

Viscount Walson fell in agony again.

He was completely caught up in Ian’s pace. Just as Ian wanted.

As a matter of fact, most people treated Ian Reinhardt this way. They were either scared of him or went to flatter him.

“S-So, why has the Duke decided to visit me? I’m afraid I haven’t heard of the reason when I heard of your arrival…..”
“My wife wants to buy toys for her child.”
“Oh, you’ve heard of me running a toy company!”

Then it struck him.

“Uhh…. Did you say, child? Your wife is having a child?”

He was shocked.

the Duke was forced to let the illegitimate girl in as his mistress. And it was because of

is pregnant?! And the Duke allowed that? Without seeking a noble lady from

aware of the Viscount’s surprise. So

very affectionate woman.

a believer of Rose’s words, the Viscount first thought the illegitimate girl was mentally

was trying to conceive the Duke’s child!

the Duke wish to make her the mother of his

Ian leaned in.

“Why shouldn’t I?”

Viscount really was unaware of this.

to curry

smiled bitterly as no answer came from him.

it normal to have children when you’re married? I came all the way here to get a toy for my own wife.” “Y-You, You’ve come to the right place, Duke.” “Of course. Everyone thinks it sounds weird when I say this. Because of some false rumors made by

heaved a loud sigh.

such a woman pay back the Duke of

asked, holding his teacup.

Viscount nodded furiously in response.

‘such a woman’ to

child’s family were obviously the Brumayers!

shouldn’t even talk to

last hope had been cut off. Everything was

he was on his way to leave the

Duke!” “Thank you for recommending

The Viscount bowed.

Ian thought.

never treat me like that.’

the thought, a smile appeared on his

a different woman.

from Laritte, the only one who treated him sincerely was

raised him as if he were her own child since he

every time Ian spent time with Laritte, he

amusing friend of his.

eyes caught the smile appearing on

the first time you’ve smiled like that. Although I’ve

said this,

“I smiled?”

wasn’t even in front

her, and now he was smiling

is impossible. You don’t have good eyesight, do

She was the one who wanted it. Ian should


throbbed against his chest.

way, that can’t be!’

heart continued to beat ironically.

caused Viscount Walson

He nodded.

I must’ve made

constantly repeated inwardly…


that my heart is pounding like this. Am I sick?’

mansion hurriedly with a new doll in his arms presented as a


reason why he didn’t want Laritte to know what he did in the mansion was so

problem if she forgives them. But

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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