Chapter 65

Oscar and Laritte continued to chat.

“So Ian was going to teach me, but my appointment was delayed again because I hurt my ankle.”

“Ma’am is interested in horse riding, isn’t she? In my opinion, a white horse will suit you the best. White horses are usually a quiet breed.”

Laritte’s blue eyes sparkled at Oscar’s words. He was an observant man, so he was able to read Laritte’s desire.

“My horse Frederick will be here in the stable. Does Ma’am want to meet him?”

“That’s a great idea.”

Surprised, Ian interrupted their conversation, “Never. The stable is on the opposite side of the building. It’d be too much for her.”

Laritte’s excited spirit began to protest, “I know it’s less than 15 minutes away.”

“Yes, it is! 15 minutes away.”

“I’m not going outside the Duchy.”

“Anyway, it’s not possible. I can’t give you permission”, her eyes became cold as he declared.

Their opinions were bound to be divided. The lives they both led were different until now. Laritte knew she had no risk of getting hurt in this!

But eventually, she gave up. She was aware of the location. Permission? Yes, she was in a position to obtain Ian’s permission.

“Okay then, so be it. I have no choice but to obey you. Because I’m your wife”, her voice carrying emptiness.

Ian flinched at the words she uttered without any ill intentions. He never knew his wife’s words could make him feel so attacked!

However, looking back on his recent behavior, he remembered how he forcibly controlled his wife. Don’t do this because it’s dangerous. Don’t touch that either. Let me check before you do anything unusual. Laritte wasn’t bothered, so she complied. But this… this was growing to be a problem.

away from the garden, “Then I’ll go back

as she began to apologize for her

me, Ma’am. I’m not bothered in the

didn’t mean to divide the couple. He didn’t expect Laritte to leave on her own and Ian to stare at her retreating figure

to follow Ma’am. Don’t


shock Ian was

everyone evenly. Ian, who grew up in such a

Oscar, Laritte was the first person Ian ever fell in love

should obey my husband!” must have inflicted

Oscar caught up

next to her leaving the rose garden, he thought, ‘Ian. There is an essential procedure to direct the reins that control

his friend to know how


going crazy.

used to eating on thin ice. But whenever he put the food in his mouth using a silver fork, it felt like he

his food had no


sulking in her seat, while Ian was dazed with

and at the tree outside the window. He could also see the rose garden from

in regret. If he hadn’t done anything over there yesterday….. the atmosphere wouldn’t have been this heavy today…..

was no less disturbed.

was taken out of a villa and brought into the world of nobles. He wanted her to enjoy the luxury with confidence and satisfy all her wishes. He could hold a party for six days a week if she wanted, he could fill the fields with cherry plants if she wanted. So

to support her wishes. But

she lived freely in the villa? Can she be happier than how she was in

up at Laritte’s face. He didn’t know if it was because he was thinking that way, but her face looked more depressed. It was the same expressionless

took care of Laritte’s meal, he couldn’t get jealous like before. Needless to say, he seemed to have no right to be jealous.

chopped up his own steak and went to exchange it for Laritte’s

it easier to eat

had no

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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