Ashton laughed at my warning. “You don’t understand. This is between men,” he said as he took off his coat.

I shrugged. “I truly can’t understand how a man can bully the young.”

“What’s happening here?” Cameron asked with concern. She thought we were arguing.

“It’s nothing. Just something about the kids.” Ashton ended the discussion before it could continue further.

I shook my head resignedly and rolled my eyes at him when I caught his gaze. His authoritarianism and chauvinism are obvious in his actions, yet he continues to deny them. Men!

Having experienced getting his full name called by Ashton, Gregory didn’t come out of his room for dinner. Instead, he locked himself in the study. Even Audrey couldn’t get him out.

After several futile attempts by the maid, Ashton got up from his seat and strode toward the stairs.

I recognized that look. He was about to use force.

“Wait,” I called urgently, following behind him. “I’ll call him down. You stay right behind me.”

thought Ashton was stressing him out too much. That kind of absolute obedience

Gregory to shoulder all his burdens. However, I hope Gregory can

arrived at

Knock! Knock!

I asked after knocking on the


was no response from

other side of the door. “Mommy, don’t worry about me. You can eat first. I should

merely joking and agreeing with my opinion.

was too cautious and strict on matters related to

I want to come in and talk to you. Can you let me

Another silence followed.

him that I was the one

was about to give up, the door opened

behind me. He looked down

grabbed his arms. “Are you not hungry? Your sister is not eating because you’re not there. You don’t want

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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