I spun around and saw a video of Ashton dressed in a white suit like a prince from the olden days.

He had a passionate look in his eyes as he continued, “I was very young when I first met you. Little did I know, that encounter has planted a seed of love for you which then grew into a towering tree rooted deeply in my heart.

“My life was in black and white, but then your smile filled it with colors and brightened up every dark moment. I’m not sure if this is a blessing from you or the heavens taking pity on me, but I do know that there is no escaping this sweet trap of loving you.

“You have me so deeply in love that I see you everywhere I go. In fact, I’m glad humans do not have a tail, or it would surely be wagging like crazy whenever I am around you.

“The world is a dark place, but having you around makes it bright as day.

“No one could compare to the place you have in my heart, and I hope you will forgive me for taking the liberty of proposing to you in such a manner. I did so because you are simply too amazing, and I feared someone else would steal you from me if I didn’t make my move first. As such, I decided this would be the best way to show everyone that you belong to me alone.

“Scarlett Stovall, will you marry me and be my lawfully wedded wife from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part?”

In the video, Ashton was kneeling on one knee as the camera slowly moved closer to him. He was holding something blindingly shiny in his hand, and it wasn’t until the camera adjusted its focus that I realized it was an eighty carat diamond ring.

through the screen, and I couldn’t help

the vows in marriage, and yet Ashton had spent so much money on it just to prove his love for me.

my reaction and looked to the side shyly as if to tell

even tell if I was crying over the grueling journey we went through to get here or the efforts he put into everything. Perhaps it was a bit of

marriage and spend the

didn’t seem to be coming from the speakers in front. In fact, it sounded like

thought of that, only to space out when my eyes met those of the

my surroundings earlier that I didn’t get a good look at the guy I was walking with. As we gazed into each other’s eyes, I realized an oddly familiar passion in his. It was the same feeling I had

behind his head and undid the straps of his mask, revealing that familiar face

usual indifferent and estranged appearance. At first glance, one would easily mistake him for an actual prince from ancient

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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