“Remember this. Even though Marcus had done a lot for Letty, the man also tried to hurt our family, so I would say that we’re even now. We don’t owe him anything. Come anywhere near us again, and I’ll make sure you pay for it.”


When the elevator door opened, Ashton almost lifted me off my feet to carry me inside.

Only after the elevator started going down did the man loosen his grip. Angry at Ashton for what he did to me, I distanced myself as far away as the space allowed me to.

Ashton had his reasons for being so jealous, and I could understand what he was going through. After all, Marcus had made a move on me on more than one occasion.

However, I knew I could not live with myself if I pretended like I had no idea that Marcus was dying.

With both my hands on the elevator handrail, I suddenly thought of an idea to get the best of both worlds. With it, not only would I be able to sneak behind Ashton’s back, but I could also reignite Marcus’ will to live.

“Don’t even think about it.” Suddenly, Ashton’s harsh words severed my train of thoughts.

by how easily the man managed to see through me, I bit my lower lips defiantly before defending myself. “I

eyes at me and made a strange suggestion. “Why don’t you turn

Ashton said, only to find absolutely nothing behind me. All I could see was my

“I don’t get it.”

being rational when it comes to

I’ve been so wrong all this time, and I never realized it. Marcus and Rebecca are practically the same kinds of people. If I could treat Marcus the way Ashton treated Rebecca, Ashton wouldn’t even have to worry about me that much. I just couldn’t help myself. I kept thinking about how Marcus saved me when I lost my first child. Even though I

can’t act like nothing had happened, and I’m not trying to force you to, but I won’t allow anything bad to happen

was well aware that there

by reason. Ever since I married Ashton, I seemed to have

the man really is dying, I won’t stop you from going to

eyes in shock at Ashton, but he had already turned to face the elevator door. The man’s deadpan expression made it difficult for me to tell what was going through his head. Did I hear that right? Did Ashton just offer to take

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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