Chapter 25

Things would only get more complicated if he were to find out the truth. The situation between the three of us would worsen with the addition of this child.

Hence, I figured that leaving was the best option-a win-win situation for everyone.

I grew frantic upon parking outside the villa. Taking Ashton upstairs was not going to be an easy task.

After contemplating for a moment, I alighted the vehicle, walked toward the passenger seat and opened the car door. “Ashton,” I called out while tugging at his sleeve.

Ashton instantly woke up upon hearing his name. His stomach was probably giving him a hard time from all the whiskey he had drunk.

The man slowly opened his eyes and glanced at me before scanning his surroundings. “You brought me here?”

I nodded, unsure if he was already sober or still drunk. “Come on down. It’s late.”

It was already almost dawn by now. Being pregnant, I simply didn’t have the energy to stay up with him.

Ashton sat up straight, showing no intention of getting down the car. His dark eyes appeared harmless, but I knew he was in a volatile mood.

After giving it some thought, I eventually spoke up. “Do you want me to help you get down?”

“I’m going to bask in the sun for a while,” he answered and sat there motionlessly.

taken aback. Bask in the sun?

How drunk is he?

your time.” Feeling too awful to stay with him

in bed. Then, the silence coming from the living room began to

my own thoughts, I got up and headed downstairs. To my surprise, Ashton was already lying on the couch in

could finally sleep in

a deep slumber and only woke

appointment with Caleb in mind, I hurriedly washed up and headed out the door. By the time I arrived at work, Caleb was

seeing me. “Sorry

had Stacey pour Caleb a glass of water. Then, we signed

After we were done, Caleb offered, “It’s already noon. I

How about a meal together? My wife’s been wanting to thank

didn’t actually have other plans, but I noticed Stacey gazing at me as though she had something to tell me. Hence, I smiled and turned the man down. “You’re too kind, Dr. Ludwick. I should be the one thanking you both. I’m afraid I have something to take care of today, so let’s meet up

that, Caleb left after exchanging some

to Stacey. “Mr. Fuller wants you to see him at

See him?

done anything wrong recently?” Ashton normally wouldn’t


Fuller regarding the issue with Dr. Ludwick. Mr. Fuller seems rather unhappy about it

and headed to the top floor

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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