I was momentarily dumbstruck. Who was he referring to?


Without saying anymore, he lowered his head and kissed me deeply. It was as though he wanted to swallow me alive.

He was being moody.

I noticed it when we were at the hotel. But, why?

I thought he was tired from work. But now, he didn’t seem to be tired at all.

In the bathroom’s permeating heat, his raging desire was full-on.

“Ashton!” I said, but he had already lifted me up in his arms.

He stopped his movements altogether. He stared at me with his dark eyes, and he was breathing heavily.

I was obviously bewildered.

“Are you angry?” I asked cautiously.

He looked at me with narrow eyes, but his gaze was soft and gentle as always.

“You don’t want to do it?” he asked hoarsely. His voice sounded restrained.

it. But let’s not do

me. With a low voice, he

to the bedroom and gently

me to sleep with him, but this time it felt

asleep. My heart

Ashton groaning in pain. I sat

on his face, he kept

was having a

woke him

arms tightly around me and said in a low and hoarse

startled, then I reached out my

as I wiped the sweat from his forehead. I asked, “Did you

hugged me and drew in a deep, shaky breath. “There’s nothing but darkness. You’re all

years, I had Summer, who helped mend my broken heart.

into his arms. “I won’t go

Ashton and I were like two puppets that had sunk to the bottom of the sea. We needed each other to endure

villa in J City always felt empty whenever I went there. I would then go to the cemetery to visit Grandma and Grandpa’s graves. Their tombstones were so real and clear that it made


me how to thrive in the world of business and taught me how to face my enemies. But he never taught me how to love someone. I’m sorry that I


life the way it was. But I never really considered things from his point of

didn’t love him the way I

told him what I was in my mind and didn’t fake a miscarriage to deceive

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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