At noon, Ashton called, “Have you taken your lunch?”

It seemed he had placed a lot of attention on the mundane details of my life now. It was quite unusual of him to behave like this.

I lay on the couch and nodded, “Yeah. I’m a little bored because I’m alone at home.”

He chuckled, “Do you want to come and pick me up from work then?”

I froze for a moment and instantly took up his offer, “Okay!”

I could imagine the smile on his face upon knowing how spirited I was.

After a short pause, he said in a serious voice, “Are you not going to ask me if I’ve taken my lunch?”

I was a little tongue-tied at first. “So… have you eaten?”

“Yes. Grilled eggplant. I’ll make this for you tonight.”

Grandma once said, teenagers are often abashed when they’re in love, while those in their mid-twenties would be more romantic and crazier in love. As for people aged thirty and above, love is basically dead.

But I beg to differ. Love after the age of thirty might not be intense or passionate but will subtly reside in our hearts.

The older we get, the more we appreciate such subtlety. And the love we have for our partners would evolve to become an integral part of our lives.

is that we enjoy each other’s companionship,

a chat with Ashton. Since I had nothing to do at the Fuller Corporation, I thought

in the afternoon, I noticed

bounced out of bed, checked my phone, and saw a few missed calls Ashton made around

was about to leave the villa, I saw a note on

come home on his own. Something urgent cropped up,

could not help but slap my forehead with my

back to the couch and gave him

man asked in a

bit, took a glance at the dishes on

the vibration from the phone. It must

it and answered, “Wait

thought I might as

new clothes, I drove straight

thirty minutes from the villa, but it

hotel manager knew who I was. He then brought me to

in the suite. One was Ashton,

long time. He now had an overgrown beard and looked

was glad that Ashton did not drink. He sat still on the couch and listened

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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