Chapter 73

Alastor watched Anastasia as she went mad and acted hysterically

His Adam’s apple bobbed up and down. The words that Alastor wanted to say were at the tip of his tongue, yet he couldn’t bear to speak.

“Felicia’s art exhibition needs Charles to step in to enhance the popularity and recognition in the industry. Meanwhile, I have arranged for Mrs. Gunn’s surgery, so I hope you don’t try anything funny behind my back,” Alastor said after Anastasia had calmed herself down.

“As expected, he came back only for Felicia,” she scoffed inwardly.

Anastasia covered her forehead and slumped on the couch, breathing rapidly.

It was Felicia again.

Anastasia realized that after Alastor’s adultery was exposed and they had signed the divorce agreement, he would always return to see her for Felicia’s sake.

Snowball heard their quarrel and curled up on the sofa in fear. Sometimes it would meow twice as well.

After Alastor kicked Snowball away that day, even though its eyes were filled with yearning, Snowball dared not approach



It merely curled up cautiously in Anastasia’s arms, comforting her.

Even animals would choose to stay away after being hurt by their loved ones.

not my father. If he does not like Felicia’s artwork, even if you personally visit him, he will not show respect “Anastasia’s voice was weak. She could

Alastor laughed sarcastically “If you visit

suddenly froze. She looked up

he still instructed her

exert her influence toward him.

though he did not make his words clear, Alastor’s disgusting intentions were

Anastasia to sleep

that Anastasia’s achievements today were also the

calm for a brief moment, she had to experience yet another emotional rollercoaster ride, falling

he makes so much effort for her?” she

Alastor. We haven’t announced our divorce yet, do you want the public to think that I cheat on you?” Anastasia stammered in a hoarse

suspected that she would die in Alastor’s

might actually

become that I’m being cheated on by you when

if you don’t love me, there is no need to

she failed to understand why he had

kind to you many times, but your tricks are unbearable. Alastor had no intention of -leaving as he sat on

video displaying Zeke’s former rented house where Anastasia had been assaulted by Harold.

breath was scorching hot. She tried to click on the video with her fingers

attempts, Anastasia finally could click on the video.

part where Harold had beaten Anastasia until she

that it was your Uncle Harold who forced himself on you. Anastasia, just look at the video. Do you even believe what exactly happened?” Alastor questioned Anastasia

all of her family members were there. In fact, Sienna was just

was unbelievable that they refused to rescue her when she

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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