Chapter 121

“He is better than you in every aspect. He trusts me unconditionally and does everything for me. He may not have your good family background, your wealth, and social status, but he treats me as a human being and Snowball as his family!” Anastasia looked at Alastor and spoke with a trembling voice.

“Haha…” Alastor let go of the hand pushing the door and took a step back.

In Anastasia’s eyes, Jason was better than him in every aspect.

“Anastasia, I’ve been too gentle to you in the past four years. I told you that I was not negotiating with you. Don’t you understand?” Alastor’s voice was hoarse, and his eyes were full of anger.

Since Anastasia said that he was inferior to Jason, he would beat Jason on this matter.

As long as he disagreed, Anastasia would still belong to him.

“You’re disgusting.” Anastasia wanted to leave.

“I must see you early tomorrow morning,” Alastor compromised in the end and let Anastasia leave.

He knew he had to handle the issue slowly.

Anastasia opened the door and walked out with red eyes.

Outside the courtyard, as soon as Anastasia walked out of the door, she saw Jason rushing over, out of breath.

He ran all the way here because there was a traffic jam.

He was afraid that Anastasia would be bullied by Alastor and Felicia.

Jason stood there,

and looked at

tightened. He stepped forward and held

by the window when he

approaching him with ulterior motives from the beginning.

over the past four years,

couldn’t pull himself out.

the heir of the Gunn Group will attend the dinner tomorrow.” The assistant called Alastor. “There is

rubbed his eyebrows.

Anastasia know that Jason was nothing but

sat on the bench and quietly gazed at the

Light Festival, and some people set off fireworks at

Clearwater Park.” Jason

had been accompanying Anastasia without saying a

Anastasia glanced

at eight o’clock sharp.” Jason wrapped his scarf around Anastasia’s

and blew it out on

out and held Anastasia’s cold fingers.

wanted to withdraw her hand, but Jason didn’t let go

relationship, you need to understand that there is no chance between us,” Anastasia told Jason

back. “Just because I can’t give you everything you

your social status, you can’t afford to

Jason lowered his eyes and refused to let go.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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