Chapter 223

Seeing Darlene on the verge of tears, Caroline couldn’t help but be taken aback. “What’s going on? Take your time, tell me

“Caroline, well, you know, I accidentally stepped on your foot the other day. didn’t 17”

Darlene, stuttering, recounted the troubles of the Bryant family’s business.

“Mr. Gilbert is taking this out on your family because of me! Could you talk to him and ask him to cut us some slack, please?”


Caroline was surprised. Gilbert was making things difficult for the Bryant family?

Darlene thought it was because of her?

But Caroline had a feeling… it probably wasn’t.

Keeping her composure, Caroline said, “You’re overthinking this. Gilbert has always been able to separate personal issues from business. This is probably just a business decision and has nothing to do with you. The ones who should be looking for a reason are your father and your brothers.”


Darlene, frowning, was skeptical.

“Really,” Caroline nodded. “Don’t I know him well?”

“This…” Darlene was at a loss. “It’s really not about me?”


Caroline reassured her, “You shouldn’t take all this responsibility upon yourself. As for solving this, it’s not something you can handle.”

“Yeah, you’re right.”

Darlene murmured, convinced. “I understand.”

After Darlene left, Caroline’s expression suddenly turned serious.


Chapter 223

Chapter 223

the verge of tears, Caroline couldn’t help but be taken aback. “What’s going on? Take your time, tell

you know, I accidentally stepped on your foot the

stuttering, recounted the troubles of the Bryant

taking this out on your family because of me! Could you talk to him and ask him to cut us some slack, please?”


Gilbert was making things difficult for the Bryant

it was because of her?

a feeling… it probably wasn’t.

“You’re overthinking this. Gilbert has always been able to separate personal issues from business. This is probably just a business decision and has nothing to do with you. The ones who should be looking for a reason are your father and



Caroline nodded. “Don’t I know him

Darlene was at a loss.


take all this responsibility upon yourself. As for solving

“Yeah, you’re right.”

murmured, convinced. “I

left, Caroline’s expression


she picked up her

“Hey, Caroline?”

the other end, Gilbert sounded busy, “What’s up? I’ve got another meeting soon, make

didn’t beat around the bush and went straight to the

out about


girl. Do you really have to hold a grudge against her? Gilbert,

silence on the other end before Gilbert refused, “Sorry, Caroline, I can’t

taken aback and anger surged through her,

Gilbert didn’t respond.

because Darlene said a few harsh words to her, you’re…”


off, admitting

was stunned.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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