Chapter 253

Sherilyn was clad in her custom performance attire, her legs elongated and straight, her waist so slender it seemed almost fragile.

As the music ebbed and flowed, her steps tapped rhythmically on beat, perfectly in time.

Strangely, it sent shivers down Gilbert’s spine, as if each step resonated directly with his heart…

Finally, she paused, turning to the audience with a radiant smile.

Instantly, the room erupted in thunderous applause!

“Bravo!” Edgar couldn’t help but stand and clap even louder.

Then, as if sensing him, Sherilyn, despite the distance, turned and waved vigorously in his direction.

Fearing Edgar might not see, she even jumped up, bouncing lightly.

“Sherilyn…” In that moment, Edgar was frozen.

His heart raced unbelievably fast, as if it might stop at any second! Thump, thump, thump, as though it was about to burst through his chest…

Edgar grinned, his smile going from ear to ear.

It was the first time he felt this way, a tumultuous, uncontrollable warmth, as if standing amidst flames…

The show ended successfully.

Edgar and their group of ‘close friends‘ rushed backstage to show their


presented her with a bouquet of roses, “Congratulations, the show was a hit!”

“Thank you.”

the bouquet, her eyes slightly




a bit dry, Edgar asked, “Sherilyn, are you thirsty?”

“How did you know?”

thirsty. Nervous about performing, she had refrained from drinking water to avoid any

it, was glad he had brought water.

the cap of the bottled water, he offered it to her. “Here, take a sip.” “Okay, thanks.”

took the bottle, tilting her head back

drank so eagerly that some water dribbled down her chin.

“Slow down!”

wipe it away, but then

again, Gilbert was watching.

Edgar touched the corner of her mouth, gently

the touch startled Sherilyn; was

withdrew his hand. “There you go.”

honest and gentle.


began buzzing with activity, someone was calling

Hansen is looking for you!”

“Over here!”

and some fans too,



“Alright, I’m coming!”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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