Chapter 296

“Mr. Gilbert…” Charles frowned, a trace of concern in his voice. “Was that a gunshot?”


Gilbert nodded sharply. The sound had come from backstage. This was bad–Sherilyn was back there!

Without hesitation, he swung open the door of their private box.

“Mr. Gilbert!”

Charles was right on his heels.

In just a minute or two, the theater had descended into chaos. Faces painted with horror, people were rushing toward the exits!

“Everybody, stay calm!”

“Please, everyone, remain calm!”

Theater security was doing their best to maintain order, but the situation was spiraling out

of control.

In the midst of the turmoil, a stampede had already started!

Amidst the chaos, Gilbert was pushing his way inward.

“Mr. Gilbert!” Charles grabbed him. “Where are you going?”

“What do you think?” Gilbert shot him a look. “Sherilyn’s in there!”

Saying so, he moved to go deeper in.

“Mr. Gilbert!” But Charles held him back, shaking his head insistently. “No! It’s chaos up ahead–it could be a riot for all we know!”

in Crestwood, though not a daily occurrence,

“So what?”

as if asking if Charles

off Charles. “Exactly why I need to go in!”

“Mr. Gilbert…”

in this! Someone needs to be outside to coordinate!

“Mr. Gilbert!”

wanted to protest, but Gilbert was already



Chapter 296

clenched his teeth. Unable to stop him what else could he do? He

Gilbert’s orders.

making it backstage wasn’t going to be

all moving towards the exits, making his journey upstream all the more challenging.

pardon me!”

going the wrong way! Why are

need to get through!”

“Excuse me, please!”

pushed through the crowd, his forehead beaded with


shot rang out!

“Nobody run!”

stop! Did you

crowd didn’t

Two more shots

scene was

under control. He frowned, wondering: Did Charles make

struggle against the flow of the crowd,

side door, the sudden silence made his footsteps on the floor echo

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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