Chapter 401

Chapter 401

Sherilyn smirked, things were unfolding just as she had anticipated.

Luckily, she had a backup plan.

Because of a prior agreement with Caroline, she hadn’t intended to use it.

That morning, before she handed Rebecca’s phone over to Caroline, she had made a little ‘move‘.

She made a backup of the video Caroline tripping her that Rebecca had recorded.

So, why hadn’t Caroline noticed?

Given the advancements in smartphones, any trace of uploads or transfers could be detected…

It turned out that Sherilyn hadn’t uploaded or transferred the video; she’d used her own phone to record a copy and saved it on her personal cloud storage!

Taking a deep breath, Sherilyn picked up her phone, opened the video, and placed it in front of Gilbert.

“Could you take a look at this, please?”

he glanced at the phone screen, his brows furrowed… Caroline had actually pushed Sherilyn! Was this the real

Sherilyn hurt? Where

he could properly ask, Sherilyn cut

Johnson Group owns Nexus Media Group, and I don’t need to spell out the consequences if this video goes public. All you need to do is let Rebecca go, and I promise, the video will

Gilbert was

video to tell

using it to blackmail him

to him, begging. It turns out she had this ace

Huh, pretty smart.

used this video to make Caroline

he had no choice of

he possibly risk



long as Rebecca is free, my word is good…”

“On what grounds?!”

closer, looming over her as if to take her into his embrace.

sharpness in his eyes revealed his displeasure at

“Threatening me? Hmm?”

mouth, her expression stiffening, “It’s either Caroline’s reputation and future, or Rebecca going to jail for Caroline’s sake.

her head up, fearlessly

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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