Chapter 411

Chapter 411

In Crestwood, Gilbert found it odd how Jenna never stopped talking about her mom but never mentioned her dad. Today, she had asked such a peculiar question.

“Jenna…” Gilbert was about to delve deeper when suddenly, “Jenna!” The loud call startled them. It was Sophia!

She had been vigilantly watching over them, afraid to blink. Little did she expect a stranger to approach!

“Hey!” Panting from her run, Sophia scooped up Jenna and glared furiously at Gilbert.

“And who might you be? Chatting up someone else’s kid? Got screws loose?”

Without waiting for Gilbert’s explanation, Sophia turned on her heel and ran as if Gilbert were some sort of bogeyman.

Comforting Jenna, she said, “Don’t be scared, love, Granny’s here! Remember, we don’t talk to strangers, alright? Lucky Granny’s got quick feet. What would we do if you got snatched away? Losing my job would be the least of it; how could your mom cope…”

As she spoke, tears started to well up in Sophia’s eyes.

“You, my dear, are your mother’s whole world!”


clean Sophia’s tears, “Sophia, don’t cry. The man, he’s not a bad person. I have seen

was skeptical. “Where? What’s his name?”

opened her mouth but realized she couldn’t answer.

convinced Jenna was mistaken. “What do you know, you’re just a little one. Never mind, I’ll have to keep a closer eye on you from now on!”

bemused. Was he just mistaken

what did they mean? Were her

be that her father had abandoned them? To think, someone could abandon such an

even getting the chance to buy her

Sherilyn noticed Jenna seemed a


Chapter 411

temperature and finding no fever, Sherilyn breathed a sigh of relief. Sophia pulled her aside to recount the incident with

have been more careful,” Sophia apologized earnestly. “I promise,

of genuine fear. Losing Jenna

“You can’t blame

happen, after all.

it well, and Jenna’s fine, isn’t

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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