Not long after Gilbert left, the medicine was delivered.

That night, Jenna took the medicine without a hitch.

It worked wonders, except for one side effect-it made her too lively.

It was already past eight-thirty, a time when the little rascal was usually deep in dreamland, but tonight, she was fussing and refusing to sleep.

"Jenna," Sherilyn patted the bed, "come here and sleep with Mommy."


Jenna agreed, jumping onto the bed, her eyes wide open and her mouth spread in a grin, "Mommy, hehe..."

"You're still laughing?" Sherilyn was torn between laughter and tears, "It's bedtime!"


Jenna kept giggling and causing a ruckus, leaving Sherilyn and Sophia taking turns trying to soothe her, all to no avail.

Sophia's phone rang-it was Gilbert.

"Mr. Gilbert."

"Mhm." Gilbert was spending the night alone, 'tossing and turning in bed', and had called because he was worried about Jenna.

"Did you give her the medicine? How's Jenna?"

Sophia glanced at the lively Jenna, "She's great, just too great. She won't go to sleep even now."


up, reaching for the phone, "I want to talk to

her the phone with


taken effect. His brows relaxed, and a smile

Why aren't you

watching the moon! It's so

"Is that so?"

the moon at the start


are tough to fool, "You're fibbing, sir. The moon is in the sky;

bring the moon down to

"Really?" Jenna was skeptical.

seriousness, "Just wait a little while,

Jenna happily agreed, "Then

up, Jenna blinked her big eyes, "Mommy, that gentleman said he's going to bring the moon to keep me company

"I heard."

Sherilyn helplessly rubbed her

forehead, silently complaining about

Was he


the moon, there was no way she was going

no other choice, they pulled out

was half listening to the story, half watching

nurse led the way, followed by

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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