"Red." Sherilyn answered, not really knowing why, but she genuinely liked the color.

Gilbert remembered, her puffer jackets, her coats, they were all red. And indeed, red suited her well.

"Red, huh," Gilbert muttered to himself, "Got it."

On such a calm night, he found himself thinking about marriage.

His and Sherilyn's first shot at marriage hadn't been all that great.

He had mentioned marriage to her before, but Sherilyn hadn't agreed.

Looking back, he could see his fault...

Marriage, such a sacred commitment, and he had broached the subject too lightly, not giving it the gravity it deserved.

This time would be different.

He would plan everything meticulously, starting with the proposal. Nothing could be left to chance.

Sherilyn loved red. So, the engagement ring would have to be a red diamond, her favorite.

At noon, after grabbing lunch from the cafeteria, Sherilyn brought back a portion for Rebecca.

"Thanks a lot." Rebecca said with a smile.

"No problem."

eyes, which hadn't completely faded yet. Worried about the curious glances and whispers from coworkers, Rebecca chose to stay in

had Sherilyn to

box, "Looks

a bottle of yogurt, placing it

"Thank you, hehe."

"Rebecca, Rebecca White!"

called out

That voice...

she stood up quickly grabbing Sherilyn's

scoffed, "He wasn't





he doing h now? Don't worry,

could finish, the door was

women were startled and looked

в towards Rebecca, grabbing her wrist harshly, "Finally found you! Rebecca White, where have

held high, "Where

"Rebecca White!"

to trigger Eddy, who

married woman disappearing for days on

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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