Sherilyn was in a state of panic and without giving it much thought, she dialed Francis.

"Fran! Rebecca's gone missing! The hospital said she was picked up by a family member, but who could that be? I tried calling her just now, and her phone is off..."

As she finished speaking, she calmed down a bit and immediately felt a twinge of regret.

She realized how abrupt it was to call Francis like this, especially since he and Rebecca weren't really connected.

"Sorry, Fran, I just panicked..."

For reasons unknown to her, she instinctively sought his help first.

"No worries."

On the other end, Francis listened quietly, "Don't stress. Here's what we'll do, I'll have Sawyer look into it."

Sherilyn felt a lump in her throat, "Thank you, Fran."

"Why act so formal?" Francis spoke softly, "We're family, aren't we? Don't talk like we're strangers. Just wait for my update."

"Alright, thanks."

After hanging up, Sherilyn felt helpless and with a heavy heart, she returned to the dance company. Throughout the day, her thoughts were consumed with worries about Rebecca.

Having faced loneliness and despair herself, Sherilyn felt a deep sense of compassion towards Rebecca.

it would be heartless of

noon, she received a call



was taken by her family." Really? Sherilyn frowned, "Who

could it? If Rebecca was with him,

"It was Galloway White."

"Galloway White?"

was that? A White by surname,

"Rebecca's grandfather." Francis explained.

should put your mind at ease.

added, "Galloway is a renowned painter of our

With that, Sherilyn remembered.

Back when she was in dance classes, the next room over was for painting students,

thought Rebecca was

Francis added, "With Galloway's resources, Rebecca will be

a relief. Thanks for everything,

up, Sherilyn, while relieved, couldn't help but feel

a family steeped in culture. And the Jones family, well-known entrepreneurs in Sunhaven, seemed like a

Rebecca could have had a life filled with happiness

herself feeling resentful towards the man

arrived at the

Oak Manor They had

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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