Sherilyn was surprised, but not too surprised.

In the age of reality TV dominance, it seemed like every star worth their salt had been on some show or another. It was the new rite of passage to fame.

This was a dance reality show, and Caroline joining made perfect sense.

Sherilyn remembered Caroline had taken dance classes before.

But by the time she started, she was already a bit too old for some of the basics, which ideally needed to be ingrained from childhood. Her body simply wasn't up for the challenge anymore, and she eventually had to give it up.

One of the show's producers glanced at the list and made a special note, "This Caroline, she's with Nexus Media Group, under the Johnson Group umbrella. She's quite the sensation right now. Ms. Sherilyn, please take good care of her."

So the production team was particularly interested in her?

"Sure thing." Sherilyn nodded, no fuss about it.

She was there to do her job and treat everyone in her group equally, regardless of what the producers might want. She couldn't, and wouldn't, play favorites.

"Ms. Sherilyn, once you're all set, your group will be complete. How about we meet this afternoon?"

"Sounds good."

Sherilyn didn't mind; it was a workday, after all.

Her group's assistant quickly got in touch with the stars, setting up a meeting at the TV station that afternoon to discuss their first performance.

Sherilyn stayed over lunch, grabbing a box lunch with some of the crew.

By the afternoon, the artists started showing up.

total, and it was anyone's

waited in the small conference room, Caroline being the last to

"Sorry, I'm late."

her puffy winter coat and handing it off

and had the

"No worries."

just got


up. "You two know each

hair, winking at Sherilyn.

scoffed. Who needed enemies with friends

"That's great!"


this groumet O being so

you two

clear shot to the

grinned. "I'm relying on

thing." Sherilyn nodded, her smile

the stars exchanged looks. It

they'd just

for themselves.

to business. "Let's all sit down. For our first performance, the producers

be a few

you've got. Any dance background,

to the person on the far end, she added, "Let's go around,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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