The door swung open at the touch of the butler's hand.

"Doctor, Ms. White is waiting in the living room."

Like clockwork, the doctor made his visits at this time each day.

Rebecca, despite her blindness, seemed to have her hearing heightened, picking up the sound of two sets of footsteps entering.

It was always two people who came with the doctor.

But aside from the doctor, the other person never spoke a word.

Rebecca speculated, perhaps a nurse or an assistant?

"How are we feeling today, Ms. White?"

"I'm doing quite well, thank you." Rebecca straightened herself on the couch, a slight smile on her face despite the bandages still covering her eyes.

"It's time to change the dressing on your eyes."

"Alright, thank you."

As the doctor opened his medical bag to start the procedure, Francis silently took a seat on the couch, his gaze fixed on the layers of bandage being removed from Rebecca's eyes.

His brow furrowed.

The swelling had gone down, but the bruising lingered.

Sawyer rushed in, whispering urgently into Francis' ear with a voice meant for them

tensed. Why would

used his cane to push himself up, shot a

of the yard, Gilbert, hearing

widened in


Francis nodded, motioning towards a wicker chair before taking a

his brother was investigating

he trusted


the shock couldn't find it in himself to sit. Following a trail from a




"Is the woman... Rebecca??"

of the name, Francis' brows knit together, puzzled,

It really was Rebecca!!

was palpable, his pupils dilating


through his hair, clearly frustrated. "What are you doing with Rebecca here? Don't tell me, you've taken a fancy to her! "Ridiculous!" Francis' frown deepened, cutting

"Not then?"

doubted his

such a thing, and even if he was to keep a woman on the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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