
As the bodyguard struggled to keep up, Francis, leaning on his cane, approached with Gilbert at his side.

There he was, Francis in person!

A smirk curled on Caroline's lips, her suspicions confirmed by the private investigator's findings were indeed true!

But Gilbert's presence was a surprise. The brothers were really close, huh?

So Gilbert was involved in the deception, too.

"Perfect." She nodded, "Let's go in together then!"

With a resolve as if marching to her doom, she gritted her teeth, "I'm quite curious to see for myself, this stunning beauty Francis has been hiding away!"


Francis grabbed her wrist, his dark eyes piercing into hers, his voice deep, "You can go in, but there's no woman like you're imagining."

"Is that so?" Caroline scoffed, disbelief clear in her tone.

"Yes!" Gilbert chimed in from the side, "Caroline, he..."

"Shut up!"

Caroline cut him off, "As if I needed more proof of whose side you're on! I don't believe his lies, and I certainly don't believe yours!" Jerking her arm free from Francis, she pushed the door open and stormed inside.

"Where is she? Show yourself!"

in the living room, Caroline scanned her

emphasized the emptiness

"No, it can't be!"

to believe,

his brother

the master bedroom, swung open the

every other room,

Caroline's face turned pale, her head


"Where is she?"

him, "There are clear signs someone's been living

the rooms


and all her

that been



honest with me for once? Is your brother all you care about? Are


me!" Tears filled Caroline's eyes, her voice breaking, "Please, just be honest with


approached, cane

do you want Gilbert to say, huh? You wanted to come

"I'm making a scene?"

in their

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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