Gilbert hadn't come back, because he was with Callie.

Suddenly, Sherilyn remembered Callie's words...

"If Gilbert isn't serious about you, then I won't hold back."

She really meant it, didn't she?

Annoyed, Sherilyn tossed her phone aside and turned over to sleep.

When the sky began to lighten, she woke up and checked the time - it was 5 AM.

Had Gilbert really not come home all night?

Sherilyn stretched her arms, stood up, and felt her stomach grumble with hunger.

Heading downstairs, she thought of warming up some milk. Hearing some noise at the front door, she wondered... Was the cleaning lady here this early? "Fidelia, is that you?"

Walking over, she realized it wasn't Fidelia, but Gilbert... He had returned.

Their eyes met unexpectedly, Gilbert with a slight smile, not saying a word, shifting his gaze away as he brushed past her shoulder.

"Gilbert." Sherilyn quickly called out to him.

She had been waiting for him to return, there were things that needed to be said, hopefully, they could conclude everything today.

"You called?" Gilbert turned around, a low chuckle in his voice, "What is it?"

Sherilyn could reply, he continued, "You wouldn't seek me out if it wasn't important.

reeked of alcohol and perfume, making

Can I move out of Golden Oak


on her, his fatigue and the slight drunkenness dissipating in the

slightly raised, "Did I

his gaze calmly, "You didn't come home last night. Weren't you with Callie? I saw the status

of a love announcement


on Gilbert. He hadn't checked social media,

he had nothing to hide. What could

After a

Gilbert looked at

"You sure


up your


confused, "What

"Don't understand?"

vanished, and

a harsh tone, he said, "To leave me, you first degrade yourself, and now


was shocked. What was he saying... she


you say

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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