Joshua smiled. “That’s true.“

Then, Joshua looked at Luna. “Somehow, I don’t care what you do to Aura. I’m quite looking forward to seeing who’d win.“

Luna’s heart sank. No wonder he did not mention Aura previously; he was waiting for her to do that.

He wanted to see who would win between her and Aura? Luna doubted so.

Joshua was only trying to give Aura some sense of crisis, since he felt that he had spoiled Aura too much, perhaps?

to kill Luna—who was pregnant with the triplets—back

and it tortured her. At that moment, to please

bitter at the thought, but her smile never faded. “Naturally, I won’t be able to

it be six years ago or six years after,

true.“ Joshua closed his eyes. He gently rubbed the middle of his brows

I should be mad, but I can’t seem

skipped a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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