Chapter 9 Good Fortune

Emille sighed heavily as she crossed the street to a pharmacy to pick up some ointments.

It was there that she received a call from William’s mother, Vanessa Rowe.

“Emelle, how have you been lately? Why haven’t you come to visit us at home?”

Emelie smiled and replied, “Auntie, I’m doing well. I’ve been a bit busy with work recently. Now that it’s less hectic, I’ll come over this weekend to visit you and Uncle.”

“Why wait for the weekend if you’re free now? Come have dinner with Willian and us tonight. I’ll cook up some of your favorite dishes.”

“Sure, I’ll let Mr. Middleton know,” Emelie said.

Vanessa playfully scolded, “Stop with the formalities of calling him Mr. Middleton. It feels so impersonal after all these years. We were even discussing your wedding with William a few months back.”

Emelie nearly tripped over the pharmacy’s doorstep.

Their wedding?

She blinked in surprise, not anticipating Vanessa would suddenly bring up such a matter.

Vanessa was not William’s biological mother but his stepmother.

Emelie was aware of the family secrets that had caused a rift between William and his family, resulting in his infrequent contact with them.

Vanessa and William’s father often learned of his well–being through Emelie, developing a fondness for

her as time went on.

purely due to her professional capabilities, unaware that it encompassed thoughts of

a mix of anxiety and confusion. She replied, “Auntie, I’ve got a client meeting soon, but Mrs.

“That’s great!” Vanessa said.

call, Emelie stood dazed for a moment before hailing a taxi

had been parked by the roadside, watching her

a photo of her with

the client was set in the most famous hotel in Capebatt City, serving authentic

Daphne from under the table and then sat

“Ms. Hoven,

in Asteshese, “Good to see you, Mr. Smith. I had to return to the car for a moment to retrieve Mr. Middleton’s gift for you. My apologies for

then presented him with a

videos of such

a problem. If Mr. Smith is interested,


in an exceptional factory known for manufacturing

one of their creations, and the factory houses genuine historical boats as well.

enthusiastically, praising Emelie for her thoughtfulness, “Mr. Middleton is

Emelie, acknowledging her versatility

years prior, she was the so–called “country bumpkin‘ struggling with

restroom after lunch, Emelie caught the sound of Daphne’s tearful, faltering

outside the dining room.

unable to assist you or do anything right. How I wish I were as competent

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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