Chapter 68 Jealousy

Chapter 68 Jealousy

The 19th floor was bustling today, filled with employees from Cloudex Corporation.

The police arrived with hotel surveillance footage. They confirmed Jeremy and Emelie’s presence at the salon event in the hotel banquet hall last night.

Jeremy left much earlier than Emelle, so it was evident that there was no chance of anything happening between them.

It was apparent that Cindy was the one spreading rumors.

Feeling like a cornered animal, Cindy insisted, “Keep watching! Emelie’s definitely hiding something!

“I mean, she lives right in Capebatt City. Why would she stay at the hotel late at night? There’s gotta be a


“And even if it wasn’t Mr. Ramsey, it could’ve been someone else!”

If the footage kept rolling, it would show William leading Emelie upstairs.

Emelie maintained a poker face.

“As long as we prove you’re spreading rumors, that’s all that matters. Whether or not I left the hotel is none of your business.”

Cindy gritted her teeth. “You’re guilty as sin! Keep watching, everyone! Let’s see what she’s hiding!”

As Emelie contemplated how to handle the situation, William intervened.

“The matter’s been clarified. Let’s call it a day.”

With his words, the onlookers scattered and no longer dared to stick around.

The lunchtime chatter among Cloudex Corporation employees took a surprising turn.

What started as talk about Emelie’s rumored “affair” had now shifted to discussions about Cindy spreading false rumors.

It was a complete reversal of topics.

But Emelie wasn’t willing to just let it go. She asked the police, “What’s the next step? Surely it’s not just a matter of a verbal warning?”

The police hesitated. “Usually, we try to mediate…”

Emelie cut them off, saying, “I won’t settle for mediation.”

The police explained, “For serious cases of defamation, the offender could be detained for up to five days.

Cindy’s face went pale.

Just a moment ago, she was confident, but now she was on the verge of tears.

Chapter 68 Jealers

“Please, Ms. Hoven, I promise I won’t do it again. Please don’t let the police arrest me, don’t detain me. If I get a record, I’ll struggle to find a job.

“I’ve just graduated. I still have a future. Please, show some mercy, Ms. Hoven…”

Emelie responded with a hint of amusement, “Why do you need to find a job? Didn’t Mr. Middleton already rehire you?”

William glanced at her. “Cloudex Corporation can’t tolerate employees who spread rumors and defame others.”

In other words, William wasn’t going to defend Cindy this time.

The police took Cindy back to the station for further questioning.

In a moment of utter despair, as she was dragged away, Cindy turned to Emelie and cried out, “Emelie! You’ve ruined my life! I hate you!”

Emelie shook her head with a wry smile.

The one who agreed to fire Cindy initially was William, and it was also William who praised Cindy as a hero when he rehired her.

Yet now, it was William who was spearheading her dismissal from the company once again.

Despite this, Cindy’s resentment was solely aimed at Emelie.

William glanced at Emelie. “After causing so much drama, are you happy now?”

Emelie countered, “How was it me causing all the drama? Should I just sit back and endure false accusations?”

William remarked, “I’ve never seen you so sharp–tongued before.

“If she wasn’t sharp–tongued, how else could she defend herself?” Emelie wondered.

Even if she went around explaining to everyone one by one, there would still be doubters.

It was better to make a big fuss, turning gossip into news headlines so she could clear her name completely.

Emelie took a deep breath and spoke slowly, “Mr. Middleton, please don’t act like you know me so well.”

With that, she turned and walked back to her desk.

Jayden walked up to William. “Are you impressed by her gutsy move?”

William averted his gaze and stepped into his office.

“Now that she has vented her frustrations, my plan is ruined.”

Jayden inquired, “Your plan?”

“Cindy was playing both sides and had connections with Mr. Ramsey’s brother. I was hoping to see if I could leverage her connections to dig up something.

“But now, all thanks to this woman, it’s all gone to waste.”

But Jayden sensed there was more to William’s frustration and gave him a closer look. “So why did you

back her up


William didn’t see it that way. Emelie was with him last night, not Jeremy.

He wasnt in the habit of being cuckolded.

Jayden added casually, “But Ms. Hoven has been getting close to Vertex Capital Holdings lately. I have at feeling she’s seriously thinking about resigning.”

William sipped his coffee, absentmindedly rubbing a faint red mark on his neck. It was a bite mark from Emelie last night.

He chuckled, “Why do you think she’s so keen on getting rid of Cindy?”

Jayden paused, catching the tone. “Because… jealousy?”


else could it be?”

wasn’t entirely sold on

handed Jayden a cup of coffee,

to make it to the cruise party hosted

confirmed with a

took a sip of his coffee and casually added, “I wonder if Wesley’s

went abroad because he couldn’t handle a girl who was relentlessly

the story,

sharp, cold look in

Chapter 68 Jealousy

today, filled with employees from

footage. They confirmed Jeremy and Emelle’s presence at the salon event in the hotel

left much earlier than Emelle, so it was

between them.

was apparent that Cindy was

a comered animal, Cindy insisted, “Keep watching! Emelle’s definitely hiding something!

right in Capebatt City. Why would she stay at the hotel late at night? There’s gotta be


wasn’t Mr. Ramsey, it could’ve been

rolling, it would show William leading


all that

none of your business.”

“You’re guilty as sin! Keep watching, everyone! Let’s see

how to handle

matter’s been clarified. Let’s call it

words, the onlookers scattered and no longer

Corporation employees took

had now shifted to discussions about Cindy spreading false

complete reversal of

to just let it go. She asked the police, “What’s the next step? Surely it’s not just a matter

police hesitated. “Usually, we try

them off, saying, “I won’t settle

police explained, “For serious cases of defamation, the offender could be detained for up

Cindy’s face went pale.

was confident, but now she was on the verge of

cold. “When did

“She said

came to whether it was Jeremy

better than William.

Cindy. “What did

Cindy’s face paled as she stuttered.

out, “Emelie! What nonsense

replied, “How is it nonsense? Didn’t you vividly describe to our colleagues what supposedly happened

a vivid picture with all the details. However, I don’t remember anything. But

Emelie would handle

would usually spread like wildfire, making it impossible for the victims to

if they attempted to explain, some people would still remain

intent was to

came to her. But

defend herself against false accusations to one where Cindy had to prove something that

how on earth could she possibly prove something that never occurred?” Cindy

from mere gossip

of empathy as William’s as she

Other colleagués heard it, too. You claimed to have solid evidence, so when the police. arrived, you better

Ramsey got the drugs, how he slipped them into my drink, how he passed it to

no evidence to support


hands tucked behind his back, William’s

see the

shot him a quick

what happened last night.

called the police, he didn’t feel the need

blow up like this, to the point

just gossip?” she

get serious, she genuinely panicked and stuttered, “N–no, it’s not true! I didn’t

Mr. Ramsey. I don’t know anything else. Please don’t

falsely accusing you? Didn’t the rumors start with you?” Emelie

colleagues nodded

because Mr. Ramsey is our business partner doesn’t mean you can’t tell

you say is true, justice will

William nodded.

our partnership and results in Cloudex Corporation

left Cindy feeling weak, causing her to slump into

causing millions in losses weighed heavily

up again and hurried over

police and tell them it was all a mistake! There wasn’t any drugging! Nothing went

for lying to me. It wasn’t real. I–I can’t handle the

themselves. They were amazed at how convincingly

his fist, trying to hide a smirk at

sure knows how to deal with these

managed to make the accuser suffer the


an eyebrow. “Is

chuckled. “Maybe it’s because she’s always been so obedient in your presence, so you think she’s just

“… you… you were with Mr.

doing at

didn’t even

too. He knew all too well that Emelle, who had just


absentmindedly rubbed his hands behind

along, and he

had a thing with Jeremy, but Emelie

to provide proof, arguing that if Cindy said it

forward and slap Cindy again, but the police

speaking firmly, “Alright, what’s going on here? Give us

young lady, do you realize that spreading rumors

couldn’t hold back her

broke down in tears, dropping to her knees

for spreading those lies! I know I


Chapter 68 Jealousy

Chapter 68 Jealousy

19th floor was bustling today, filled with employees

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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