Chapter 126 Keeping an Eye on Her

William opened the window and flicked the ashes off the cigantie.

Then, he said to Fabian, who was sitting in the front, “Get me the surveillance footage of the hospital entrance.

Of course, he was referring to the footage of Emelie and Mona beating up Daphne. He didn’t want it to fall into the wrong hands and make things worse.

If the police looked into it, they could get locked up for assaulting someone.


Then, William added, “Bring me the doctor in charge of Emelle’s mother’s surgery and the doctor in charge of Daphne’s father’s surgery.”

Fabian said, “Understood.”

Coincidentally, the doctor in charge of Greta and Daphne’s father was the same person.

Doctors who could perform heart transplants were in another league, and there were only two of them at LifeLine Hospital.

So, It was one doctor or the other.

Dr. Sebastian show would always be treated with respect by them.

However, when it came to William, he didn’t even dare to get into the car.

Instead, he just stood in the rain with an umbrella in his hand as he explained the situation seriously.

don’t matter when it comes to getting a suitable donor

surgery first based on the severity of their condition. No one will be able to

can still hang on for at least six months. Meanwhile, Harold Bowen can only survive the week Although he only entered the system two days ago, he’s a higher priority than Goeta.

it was all

with his wrist on the window. The smoke and noise dispersed

patient’s record in

meant after a

recorded based on actual results, and we can’t charge them

for that as well Whether it’s Greta or Harold, they

Sebastian and said nothing, but the

pulled back his hand. He snuffed out

“If there’s no suitable heart

William went straight back

was already 10:00

he walked to the bedroom. Then, he

of his codi’s. The mirrors tellected hisemotionless gaze.

he glanced at it. It was Henry calling himm

eyes flashed, and he answered it while unbuttoning

other end of the call. “You

or tests. However, William answered Henry’s call right after

was worried no one knew who he


You can have breakfast

“I’m busy tomorrow.”

you at least give us two hours?”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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