Chapter 134 Acting Intimate

After leaving the Middleton residence, Emelie went straight to Capebatt University in a taxi. Meanwhile, she searched for more information on artificial hearts on the Internet.

When she reached her destination, she had some basic knowledge about the technology.

Emelie kept her phone and got past the security with her work pass. Then, she hurriedly went to the lecturer’s office.

Emelle hadn’t found a job in the past two months. So, she had a part–time job at the university as Samuel’s teaching assistant.

When Samuel first asked Emelie to help him and paid her, she really thought he was finding a reason to give her money.

She figured he wanted to help her because she didn’t have a job and had financial issues.

However, Samuel denied it. It was the end of the semester.

Other than his job as a lecturer, he had to work on his research and couldn’t be at two places at once.

He said that if she didn’t believe him, she could try working for two days.

Emelie tried to work for two days and finally believed that he really needed an

an assistant to help him.

She never knew a lecturer would have so many tasks

So, that was how she spent the last two months

Of course, Samuel was also trying to help her.

Otherwise, he could’ve found a more qualified teaching assistant.

Emelie never took other’s help for granted. So, she worked extra band to repay his favor…

the office after his class was over, Emelle had alreally finished her

was helping him organize his

her. Upon seeing how serious she

off, but you still came. You sure are hardworking, Ms.


moment, he didn’t

have a good ending.”

“Have you found out about it, Mr. Swanson?”

your incident

about it,

you’re the first person I see when I return to the office. I

an intriguing

putting it, and Emelle found

“Did you not tell me about it through a message because you wanted to tell me in

them in the office, and

away from

you for your help for the past two months, Mr. Swanson. Now that everything is over, let me

him, Samuel raised an eyebrow. He

so let’s take a rain check I’m meeting

doing research, he needed an investor to support him

Emelie agreed to it.

When they were returning to the campus, they saw a bookshop.

a few books,

the street, and it looked quaint and elegant. It was a peaceful oasis among the busy area.

on artificial hearts in the medical section. So, she picked it up to have a

to her and softly asked her

someone was watching their

man was cold. Evenil he wasn’t wearing a suit, he still looked great.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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