Chapter 182 Eme

Emelie quickly stood up and grabbed a nearby tree branch. She started swatting at the bushes.

But there was nothing there.

The night wind rusted the leaves, making a shushing sound. Emelie looked up and saw the tree shadows twisted into eerie shapes in the darkness, like swaying hands.

After staring at such a bizarre sight for a while, even the sound of the wind seemed like a woman’s mournful scream.

Her mind was suddenly filled with countless horror movies. Even though she knew they were poorly made and fake, they still gave her a chilling thrill.

Staying in this environment for too long, even without facing real danger, could still make one anxious

Emelle tried again to hug the tree in front of her, hoping to climb up for a better view and spot a lit area in the distance to show her a way out.

However, the tree she picked was a tall and slender red cedar tree, without any branches to grasp onto. Despite managing to climb about a meter high, her lack of strength led to a fall, hurting her back.

Surprisingly, as she focused on the pain, her fear subsided. Emelle chuckled to herself, thinking the fall wasn’t for nothing.

It was then that she faintly heard voices nearby.

dig here_”

closely and saw flickering

those people? she

relieved and wanted to go over and seek

night, in the

to hide. However, her movement caught the attention of the people nearby, who then shone

“Who’s there?

Eight made Emelie close her eyes and turn

men voiced, “Oh? Who’s this

was unsure what to do when the two

toe. “It is really

their dirty clothes and the earlier words. Were they digging? Digging a

hour. The sinister implication sent shivers

a high chance they were trying to cover up a murder.

The shorter, chubby man’s expression changed

other tall, thin man chuckled and scolded, “Are you losing

dark desires, and being alone with a beautiful woman

gifted to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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