Chapter 220 Grudge

Chapter 220 Grudge

After leaving Reggie’s place, Lyle made his way to the hospital. In the hallway, he crossed paths with William, who was being wheeled back to his room after a nurse had just finished stitching up his wounds.

Jayden walked alongside the bed, chatting with William. Lyle greeted them nonchalantly, “sey, Will Jayden.”

As he approached closer, Lyle’s expression soured at the sight of William’s pallor. “Damn, Will You look worse than I expected. Maybe I went too easy on him.”

“Too easy on who?” Jayden asked, then quickly caught on “You went after eccle?

“Yeah, [wrapped up the Blossom Clove deal, Lyle replied, handing a contract to Ashton with a satisfied smirk. “They’ll be moving out tonight.

Jayden leaned in with interest. “How’d you do that?

“Not much. Just had him kneel, Lyle said nonchalantly. By this time, they had reached the room, and Emelle could hear their conversation.

Lyde commented, “I was a bit late to the party. Reggie’s leg was already busted when I showed up. No clue who did it.”

and agreed to move out overnight. Dealing with tough guys called for playing hardball. As the nurse wheeled William’s bed into the room, Lyle

Hoven, sharing a room with Will, huh? Are

set her phone down, ignoring his remarks. Undeterred by her silence, Lyle continued,

a slap from you. Don’t tell

manipulation and mistreatment of her, compounded by the fallout involving Mona. Lyle mulled it over. “Is this still about your friend’s video leaking?”


went on to clarify, “It wasn’t intentional on my part. A couple of days after the incident, Will asked me to delete the surveillance footage,

Ms. Bowen’s circle during a casual chat and shared the video without my knowledge. Will was kept in the dark about it, and I’ve already

the revelation. “So, Daphne found out about it on her own, not from any pillow talk with

be a subject of

it sounded like Daphne orchestrated the leak of Mona’s screenshots entirely on her own, without William pulling any strings behind

considering his next move but finding nothing worth saying Jayden picked up on Lyle’s extra attention whenever

Jayden gave Lyle a pat on the shoulder, signaling it was time to go. “It’s late now.

out,” Lyte nodded, ready to leave

Once they were gone, the room

her nose at the faint odor. After a day navigating moddy fields, dealing

Her injury was limited to her hand; otherwise, she was fit and mobile. The perks of the VIP ward included having all the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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