Chapter 279 Stealing One’s Partner

The victim Involved could say nothing as Patricia had offered the sincerest of apologies.

Charles then said, “We’re all friends here, so this is considered over. The feast is ready, so let’s go down to have dinner.”

Everyone silently agreed to move past this and stood up

Patricia didn’t look at anyone and left alone. However, she wasn’t heading to the feast.

Emelie was concerned and wanted to follow Patricia, but William grabbed her hand. “Where are you going? Did you miss me after not seeing me for a whole attemoon?

Those who didn’t know the truth herween them would think that he was flirting with her if they heard it

However, Emelie wasn’t bold enough to assume that. She simply thought that she must have somehow offended him after opening her mouth suddenly just now and he was thinking of ways to teach her a lesson.

He and Charles were business partners but she helped Patricia, implying that charles’s cousin was trying to steal her partner. And unlike Patricia, she didn’t apologize to Charles and Elena Charles was to take this against him, it would affect his interests,

william hated it when women brought him necessary problems.

She did well conceming this in the past three years. That was why she chose not to tell him even about the abortion.

Emelie said in a gentler tone, “Mr. Middleton, I’m going to look after Patricia She drank a lot.”

“She can drick as well as you.” A glass of whiskey wouldn’t be enough to take her down.

But they were cousins afterall, and William did have some concem. He let her go and said, “Come look for me after you send her back to her room,”

Emellenodded before chasing after Patricia by heading to the direction she lett

The people inside the room had almost left and Will was also heading downstairs, only to see Elena still standing them

It was as lf Eleta was waiting for him to look her way. She then said, “It seems that Emelle has misunderstood

Willan paused slightly and asked, “heard that you met each other in the afternoon at the hot springpool.”

relationship. Should I explain it to her?

Elena was slightly calaback and said, “We did have a small chat, but I didn’t mention anything about us in highschool”

William then asked nonchalantly, “Which part of highschool?”

Elena pursed her lips a little when she opened her mouth to speak again, she no longer kept her distance by calling him “Mr. Middleton” anymore. “Willam, I’m getting it. I wanted to split up all those years ago on impulse. I still like you. The reason I came back this time is because of you.” William betened before giving her a sneer.“So, she didn’t misunderstand anything.”

She didn’t

understand that Elena wanted to steal her partner away.

Elena cook another step forward and grabbed William’s sleeve, her voice gentle and tempting like a drizzle at the beginning of Spring.

you allow me?

saw Patricia sting on the steps right outside of Saly’s Hovel. It seemed like the alcohol had gotten to her and that

the cold wind, she sighed and

suddenly raised her head

there was joy in her eyes

she saw that it was Ene, the light dimmed.

“You thought

There was since

He didn’t even say a word to me just now, so he naturally would “tcome

she simply

it was because of the alcohol or because

for someone else right from the very

she understood it correctly. “Mistook

that happen?

started rummaging through her purse and took out a pack of cigarettes for women and a lighter, asking

her head. “Go ahead.”

and light, and a pal of smoke came out

called Patricia May. My real family name is

Swansons he been cooperating for a long time, and they have both wanted to strengthen this relationship through insanlage for a long time. As the only daughter in the Wade family, I’m destined

of the Swanson family. That

from university and came back from overseas, my family held a party for me to get to know the youngest son of the 5 fryn was the son any family had Intended for me to

Romeo and

Wades were based in Eprand

the older generation in Eprand all led to invite a theater company to perform, regardless of whether it was for a celebration or for

a scene was completed and they needed to change sels, a green screen would be pulled up on

to climb up the stage and pull up the screen to quietly peek at how the production crew was setting up the stage and how

their makeup.


had asked, “What’s the

scene with walls and coods. She

still likes to peek at the theater companyjust like when she wasntle come down here, Patric. How many times do I have to tell you that it’s impolite to peek at the actors putting on their

now too, Aren’t you embarrassed to still be playing around with

you had to

had to be

to poll open the screen

sound of the drams started to play from behind the stage. The next scene was ready, and the screen in front of her was slowly

man who was standing next to her parents looked

bride during their wedding day,

was how Patricia and Bryan met for the first

with tears in her eyes. “The theater company was performing Romeo and Juliet. When Romeo first saw Juliet at the dance hall, he

it had been love at first sight for her.

was not the son that she was

them were som

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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