Chapter 428 Getting Married

Honan didn’t show up in the following days.

Emelie didn’t have time to deal with him anyway.

Sophie had arrived at Capebatt City and Emelie had to arrange for her mother’s treatment. The New Year festivities passed just like that.

Emelie took care of Greta for yet another night.

While Emelle was dozing off on a folding bed, her phone vibrated

She was still groggy, but she had already answered the call. “Hello?!

When she didn’t hear an answer, she put it on speaker mode. “Hello? Who is this? Are you the doctor?”

“ar’s your husband.” William’s voice came through.

Emelie jolted awake and looked at the screen. The caller ID showed William’s name

She had been busy taking care of her mother over the past few days and had only texted him briefly

the new year with his family. Powerful families like his were bound by traditions, so he didn’t have time to see

by his call and stammered, “What’s up?”

your calendar, and take a good long

and saw the date on the calendar.

She gasped.

forget your identification card.” Only

amusement, “Hurry

Emelie to slowly regain her composure. She took some time to regain her senses, and she realized her heart was beating faster. Though they had discussed it before the New Year, due to her recent circumstances, she hadn’t been thinking about it at all. So, it felt sudden and surreal Were they really getting married and becoming husband

conversation and reached out to pat Emelie’s head, snapping her out

smiled and said, “Don’t keep him waiting Go and get ready.”

into the bathroom, the fog in her mind clearing as

couldn’t decide what to wear.

red, so white will look

his parents. Won’t it bother you?” Greta stroked her hair affectionately. “A person’s true character reveals itself over time. And from what I’ve

Emelie nazzled closer.

as he treats you

long to live. Her greatest wish was to see Emelie settled and happy. She knew that witnessing that would be immensely comforting, and

card from the drawer and said, “Go on. He’s so eager, so have

took Greta’s suggestion and wore the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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