Chapter 444 Divorce Elias

“I wasn’t monitoring you. I was just curious if Elias would come pick you up. Although I’ve been watching you for a few d

every day.

days, I always just see you going to and from work alone

“Just as I expected, that fella is only after your inheritance. He doesn’t even bother to pretend.” Beathan tapped his fingers happily on his glass.

Ashley couldn’t understand what he was so pleased about

Was he happy that her new partner wasn’t as good as he was? Was he glad that she might regret breaking up with him because of that? It seemed that regardless of their status, all men had the same flaw

Ashley took the beef skewer the chef handed her.

it first to ensure it didn’t make her feel nauseated before taking a hite. “When we were together, you also didn’t pick me up from work every day either. How can

he has so many young and beautiful women around him? You’re four ryears older than him. Men

work over the New Year, he was out late with one of them. Photos of him hugging a girl in a bikini were circulating on my social media feed” Beathan just wanted to tell her how much better he was compared to Bas

salty, so Ashley took

saying that as if you didn’t cheat? Didn’t I catch you in bed

them. Despite both of them appearing rather sophisticated, their

he furrowed his brows. “I already explained that to you. I was upset and drunk


You got drunk and cheated

Who knows how many other times there were? Finding one cockroach means there’s a nest. You say you were drunk, but what if this

excuse a person’s criminal behavior


few more skewers, he finally admitted with a wry smile, “Yeah, I gave in to teraptation. I wanted something different. I was

was bored what

could be said for some people. Beathan still had a shred of decency

others and decided I’m the best, and you want to get back together?” Ashley dabbed her mouth with a napkin. “Well, that’s not out of the

hand slipped, and he spilled seasoning

stared at Ashley in bewilderment.

Beathan was the one desperately trying, while Ashley remained calm and in control. He had thought that Ashley wouldn’t bat an eye regardless of how

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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