Chapter 519 A Miscarriage

A flashlight was shone into the room. Tony noticed Franke on the ground and Emelie freed from her bonds.

He shouted, “What are you doing!”

Then he yelled again. “Grabber!”

Emelie quickly dodged an assailant. She grabbed a handful of sand from the ground and threw it into Tony’s eyes before burning and running toward the window.

“What are you standing around for? Garch her!” Tony yelled.

At Tony’s command, the three men who had been stunned into inaction lunged at her simultaneously.

Emelle stepped onto the window sill. Just before their hands could grab her, she jumped

She had planned to use the sand pile by the wall to cushion her fall. However, in her panic, she misjudged the angle and ended up rolling down the slope and hitting the ground hard.

At that moment, she felt a pain in all of her 206 bones and was unable to tell which part hurt the most.

Knowing they would soon be after her, Emelie gritted her teeth and forced herself up, then ran for her life.

The night was dark, but the darkness was her best cover. Emelied in the shadows. She ignored the pain and kept running forward.

She didn’t dare look back, fearing her pursuers were close. Her desperate sprint left her gasping for air, her brain starved of oxygen, and her throat tasted of rust.

hard and suddenly saw a

residence? melle ran over

traffickers hadn’t caught up yet and banged on the door. “Help!

woman’s voice quickly came

could barely speak.

was startled by the sight of Emelie’s pale, disheveled appearance.

was kidnapped,” Emelie said.

in her body seemed to be rushing downward. She was trembling

please call the police and an ambulance.

woman saw the blood pooling beneath her. She was terribed

Emelie on a stretcher and loaded her into

nurse asked for her name and her

her or taken it. She pulled out

Emelie Hoven, and the password is my birthdate Just register and deduct

How did this happen to you? Why are your clothes to? Do you want

replayed the harrowing events of the night and the life–threatening despair, ending with the two

her eyes uncontrollably. “I have

said that she lost

awoke again, she was

white celling, the pungent smell of disinfectant, and doctors in blue surgical gums. It seemed they

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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