Chapter 525 Birth Control or Fertility Pills

They went to a cafe.

Right after they sat down, Mona asked eagerly, “Eme, are you really pregnant?”

Emelie didn’t know how to answer her. After all, Ashton was behind Emelle

Ashley was perceptive and picked up on Emelie’s hesitation. She summoned a waiter with a wave of her hand.

“Excuse me, could we have a cappuccino served to that table, please? Ms. Jones, would you mind sitting there? Coffee is on me,” she said.

Ashton wasn’t slow on the uptake. She cast a glance at the table Ashley indicated.

It wasn’t far away, close enough for her to hear their conversation and see what they were doing She sensibly went over there.

Feeling a sliver of relief with the distance, Emelie wasted no time invoicing her primary concem. “Ashley, what were your symptoms when you were

ere pregnant?

“Well, I can’t stand sour foods usually, but when I was pregnant, I loved them.

or fish would make me nauseous. But

were some similarities, but she knew pregnancy symptoms were different for each person

half of the symptoms

on Emelie’s face and asked in puzzlement, “If

shook her head. “There’s no need for that. I recently had a checkup, and I’m not pregnant, William’s just been spreading rumors, wanted to know how to play

would the lie about something like that?” Mona was confused as well. “And are you

so Emelle could only say, “Don’t worry, he

never changes its spots.

weak smile.

and 1

not smart, Ashley couldn’t drink coffee because she was pregnant. Emelie, who was unsure of her own condition, didn’t dare to either. Only the ever -optimistic Mona seemed to enjoy her beverage, happily slurping down more than half the

her hands on the mug, also wanted to ask Emelie something. “Emelie, do you remember that

nodded. “Yes, of

birth control pills I had in

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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