Chapter 533 Under His Nose

William looked at Charles.

“If Ms. Hoven ends up in prison, she won’t be able to have any chances. Even making it out alive will be a matter of luck,” Charles seld with a smile.

That way, Charles would stay clear of any trouble.

William’s paze was as cold as ice and as unyielding as a winter frost.

“The evidence of Emelie’s crime?” he asked.

Charles replied, “I don’t know the detalls, but it sounded pretty real when he mentioned it. You might want to ask Ms. Howen if she’s done anything shady in the past she might’ve left traces that could give someone leverige!!

William’s demeanor subtly shifted to a darker tone.

As Emelle returned to the suite, the waiter had laid out a table of delicious food. They stayed and dined late into the night.

while they left the Westward Club, Charles discreetly approached Emelie from behind. He then slipped a stiff, card–like object into her hand

Emelle instinctively looked down. However, the lights in the Westward club’s hallway were dim with warm lights. It made it hard for Emelie to see what it was.

She frowned and looked up at Charles.

Charles grinned and said, “Consider this an

suddenly turned around to where they

suddenly held a diamond bracelet in his hand. “Twanted to give this bracelet to Ms. Hoven as an apology, but she declined it. Please accept

this type of stuff. You should keep it for your girlfriend,

doesn’t want it, I’ll just throw it away,” Charles

the card had something Willam shouldn’t see, and she was eager to find out what it was.

Charles lingered at the entrance and started chewing some

nonchalantly chewed the gum. Suddenly, his phone can, and he picked up the call. It was his contact from the

the DC has woken up the person said.



I’m sure of it! But the ICU door is locked, and it needs a passcode. If we force

Willam know that

to be unaware, right? However, Willians had never mentioned a word about

to use the account book to control the

recalled a few years back when a game called “Among Us” was all the rage. Was William shifting from a

Emele slide, However, he couldn’t

with Beathan and take on the best way to clear

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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