Chapter 592 He Chose This, He Should Bear It

Emelie and Wesley stood together. Their height difference was just right. They wore similar outfits, both with blue outerwear. The woman wore a beret and a mask, the brim of the hat pulled low, revealing only her eyes.

She turned her head to look at him, seemingly saying something. He bent down to listen, his hand naturally lifting her hair, which was caught under her coal. The black strands wrapped around his pale fingers. She didn’t seem to find his actions inappropriate, it was as if it was natural.

At that moment, William recalled the last New Year in Weston.

Back then, he and Emelie were walking hand in hand on the street. It was a cold winter then, and the wind was naturally, pulling out her hair. She had looked up at him, her smile turning her eyes into crescents.

slcy. He had adjusted her scarf, just as

William felt a lump in his throat. He took a step forward but stopped himself.

No, he couldn’t do it. It wasn’t the right time,

As the group boarded the plane, William remained rooted at the spot,

of, unmoving.

the clothes of the boarding group. “That’s the

caught up with him. “Mr. Middleton, are you looking for someone? I

still, and Ashton followed his p She noticed the man and woman, and she recognized the man, “Mr. Graham? No, he’s the head of the Filo family here. The woman with him must be his

He said nothing until the cabin door closed. Then he closed his eyes

he couldn’t take it anymore. He leaned against the wall, bending slightly, covering his mouth with one hand. It felt like there was a fire burning

some medicine for him “Mr. Middleton, let’s return

said, “It’s fine. Let’s


have no time to think about anything else. He needed a distraction to stop thinking about what Jaime had said, to stop replaying what he had

was pointless to think about it. Since he had chosen this path, he

hours later, the plane landed at

confined for so long, William, who was already not looking well, looked even worse. He would

he got into the car, he still told the driver. “Send me to

Xanther Group had a meeting that day to discuss the contract he had signed in Merrianna

looked so unwell that he should go home and rest first. However, when she noticed his cold expression,

the Xanther Group, Bryan immediately noticed that

out starkly. If one didn’t know better, one might think he

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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