Chapter 614 To Stay Close and Keep Watch

Though Jodie was slightly taken aback, she quickly agreed. “Got it.”

Emelie glanced at the time. It was three in the morning.

Although it was still early in the morning in Baliz, it was already nine in the morning in Capebatt City, the start of the trial.

She bit her lip. Torned between emotion and rationality, she tightened her grip on her phone. It wasn’t long before she decided to dial Ashley’s number with a look of determination.

However, just as the call was about to connect, Jodie, who had rushed over, hung up the phone.

She said, “Ms. Hoven, please think twice! Now is not the time to reveal that you are still alive. Making this call now could alert those at the Xanther Group!”

If that happened, all their plans would go down the drain.

She continued to say, “Please, calm down. It’s not too late for you to take action after our men find out what’s going on!”

In fact, Emelie had made up her mind to make the call.

She said coldly, “Ashley is my friend. If she’s in trouble, I’m not going to stand by and watch. Make sure our men handle this with discretion. If they fail, it’s their fault.”

the demeanor of someone in a position

“Let go.”

However, the call went unanswered even after the dial tone

what might have happened, she felt it was important for Ashley to be aware of Beathan’s connection with

all made sense

all phones must be turned off or switched to airplane mode once the trial starts. They had to be

assistant,” said

calling Elias. However, he didn’t pick up the phone either. He was

that the trial had indeed started at

her covers and got out of bed. Her expression

that the us

Capebatt City outside the courthouse. They’ll be right by Ms. Thornton’s side as soon as the

act it out in front of the courthouse.


paced back and forth on the carpet. By the time she looked at the time again, it was

footsteps and suddenly lifted her head.

said, “Get ready. I’m going

Jodie was stunned.

Now? To Capebatt City right now? How could she do

explanation. Instead, she called Elias

ding dong

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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