Chapter 627 Familiarity

The date of the wedding day was finally fixed. It would happen on Drember 24,11, on Christmas Eve,

As the invitations had been sent out months in adheance by the Aurora Group, William and the rest had already cloured their schedules and were attending the welding

They were scheduled to arrive in Italie on the attemoon of the 23rd, with the exception of Beathan, who was occupied with work. He would be arriving on the morning of the wedding day.

The three men were accompanied by their respective secretaries and bodyguards when they exited the airport. Arsen’s butler swiftly approached them, bowing respectfully

Despite being Faldorian, he was also fluent in Cedonian. “Mr. Middleton, Mr. Swanson, Mr. Davis, welcome to Baliz. I hope you had a good flight. The cars are ready to bring you to the villa for some rest.”

Charles smiled. “Your Cedonian is exceptional. How long have you been studying?”

“Ten years, but I still feel I’ve only scratched the surface. Please don’t hesitate to correct any mistakes,” the burler replied, extending a hand to guide the group toward the waiting vehicles.

The butler intentionally fell back to walk beside William. In a low velce, the butler said, “Mr. Middleton, I heard you have trouble sleeping on planes. It’ll take approximately an hour and a half to reach the villa by car. If you would like to nap in the car, I’ve arranged a separate vehicle to ensure undisturbed

William paused. “Who told you th

you this?

he wasn’t able to sleep on flights, but he had never openly discussed it. Only those closest to him and

Ashton, who w

also glanced at the

guests‘ well–being, so I make

few moments before averting his eyes. “That

men shared a car, which was a spacious limousine offering great comfort even with the inclusion of

drinks. For William, it was grown tea; Bryan had a cold–brewed Darjeeling

were their preferred drinks, and the butler even knew Bryan’s preference for cold–brewed tea. Such attention to

I’ve had cold–brewed Darjeeling prepared

that only his secretary knew

treatment? You must be exhausted from remembering

Thus far, I’ve been

the tea leaves dance in his cup. The familiar yet distant scent from the invitation card

at the passing scenery, casually asked, “Will the


approximately an hour’s drive, they arrived at

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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