Chapter 639 Destroy Him

The crowd erupted in shock.

It was the third day since Henry's passing. According to Capebatt City's customs, his funeral, the cremation, and the burial were scheduled to take place on that day.

Friends and family had gathered to bid Henry farewell. There were at least twenty to thirty people gathered at the large funeral hall.

If anyone else had made such a claim, they would've been seen as spouting nonsense. However, Vanessa was different. As William's stepmother, her words carried a heavy weight. Countless skeptical eyes fell onto William. Yet he remained calm and composed, unfazed by the accusations.

"Mrs. Middleton must be too heartbroken over Mr. Middleton Senior's passing," Charles said, siding with William.

They have built the Xanther Group together. Having shared business interests, they have become allies. Charles continued, "How could Mr. Middleton kill his wife? He doesn't even have one! Tossing a body into the sea? That sounds like something out of a movie. What was it called? 'Her Disappearance'?

"Mr. Middleton is a wealthy bachelor, not some desperate man clinging onto a bad marriage. If he were unhappy, he could simply get a divorce. Why would he go to such extremes?"

"Mrs. Middleton, such accusations require proof!" Ashton warned with a firm tone.

William's second uncle, Gideon, stepped forward. "Vanessa, today is Henry's funeral. If you have something to say, discuss them with Will later. We should let Henry rest in peace, not give outsiders a reason to mock our family."

William's third uncle, waved his hand dismissively. "Let's all calm down. There

of you, your first instinct would be to help him cover it up! But me? I've never received

determined to

she still had a chance to fight back. Once William was recognized as the head of the Middleton family, toppling him would

Vanessa used the internet as her weapon. She

his wife, it would be her chance to destroy him completely. There might not be enough evidence to put William in prison. However, the investigation

period of William's investigation, Vanessa could secure her own financial future. Then, she could escape the

over 20 years with the Middelton family, and she refused to walk away empty-handed. She lifted her chin, staring right at Henry's portrait at the center of the hall. "Henry, you left me with nothing.

William. After all, William was a significant taxpayer

Capebatt City.

have a word with you?"

it here! William, if you have nothing to hide, why are you avoiding this? Who in Capebatt City doesn't show you respect? Once you step out of our sight, who knows if the police will be in your

to push her way to the front. She forcefully

accuse Will? Do you think people didn't know

Accusing Will like that. Aren't

of red dresses. It seemed that

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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