Chapter 659 He Lowered His Head and Kissed Her Hand

Emelie stood by the window with her arms crossed and pondered over Wesley's opposition to her wanting to buy the house of the Pierce family. However, she couldn't think of a reason for his reluctance.

She remembered that Wesley had always seemed uncomfortable when she mentioned anything about the Pierce family.

Two years ago, when he had first taken her to meet Yennifer, Yennifer had called her Mandy. Wesley had corrected her, saying, "Call her Eme. She prefers the name Emelie."

In truth, Emelie didn't mind how she was addressed.

In fact, since Yennifer was a close friend of her mother, Julianna, she wanted to ask Yennifer about the Pierce family. Surely, Yennifer would know a lot about the Pierce family. However, before she could ask much, Wesley insisted that they leave.

He even pulled her away before she could get any information.

She found it strange that Wesley was unwilling to let her know about the Pierce family.

Wesley explained that he had some disagreements with Yennifer and didn't want to stay at the Filo residence any longer.

Emelie pinched her nose and walked away from the window. "Jodie."

Jodie appeared. "Ms. Pierce."

"Book me a

Jodie looked surprised. "Now?"

it was

earliest flight was at 8.30

following day, Emelie arrived at the Denning

staff were already at work, and Emelie happened to run into a maid who was



softly, "Mr.

"I'll bring it up."


breakfast and went

door was ajar. As she pushed the door open, Wesley, who was sitting behind his desk, asked in a low voice, "Who said you could enter without

raised her hand and knocked twice on the door before walking over. "Who has upset you? Why are

and asked, "When

plane ticket and flew back as soon as

my calls."

from Capebatt City to Mercianna, and she had come back solely for that reason. Wesley looked at

ignore your calls forever. Isn't

objected to anything I've done. This is the first time we've had a disagreement. If we're going to disagree, it's better to discuss it face to face. Ignoring them won't

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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