Chapter 672 Don't You Hate Him?

Emelie sat proudly on her horse, a gentle smile gracing her face.

"I just placed a wager with Mr. Davis," she announced. "We're betting on how much we can raise by the end of the day. Anyone interested in joining and making things more exciting?"

Samuel responded with a smile, "We're already here, so why not have some fun? Ms. Pierce, what are the rules? We're ready."

Emelie explained, "Those who can ride can choose to join my team or Mr. Davis' team. The team of the first rider to cross that forest wins."

She continued, "For those who can't ride, you can bet on which team you think will win. The bets will be added to the charity fund, while the winner can pick a prize from the antique shelf."

Charles, being a seasoned socialite, also found the idea intriguing. "That sounds like fun!" The guests echoed his sentiment, exclaiming, "It's innovative and competitive. We get to have fun while doing good.. It's a win-win!"

Jodie had the display shelf brought out. It was a tall, multi-compartment shelf filled with various items. There were luxury bags, vintage wines, renowned paintings, handcrafted ceramics, and rare book collections.

While the guests could easily buy these things themselves, offering them as gifts made the organizer of the event seem more thoughtful.

Then, someone noticed a small box on the top shelf. "That ring... isn't that an Eros?!"

His exclamation drew everyone's attention, and soon the crowd was buzzing with excitement. "My God! It really is Eros!"

"Eros is priceless! Wasn't it auctioned at Flame Craft for 300 million?" someone said.

A second person asked, "Is this a prize too? Ms. Pierce, are you sure it's not a mistake?"


to participate because the game seemed fun. They didn't

said slowly, "Winners pick their prizes in order of their

while, she added a twist. "The first rider to emerge from the forest gets

to win the race. Otherwise, they had to pray that the first rider wouldn't pick the Eros. Then, the next highest bidder, the person who donated the most money, would have the chance to

an Eros

yet firm. "It's all for the

The crowd responded with cheers. They eagerly signed up for the race and chose their teams before changing into their riding gear and selecting their


William's, who had been standing there, waiting for her to look

really going to treat my gift so carelessly? You used it as bait, and

Ashlyn to bait them. Now, she was putting it on a shelf and letting people fight for it. After all,

leaned down, her voice lowered as she spoke. "Aren't you curious

you win the ring and study it carefully, maybe


"If you don't want the things I gave you, I'll take them back. I

be joining the race, or placing

something I want back, I'll get it myself." William had made

the first rider might not choose the ring. He

it up to chance. If he wanted something,

finally saying, "Alright then, I wish you

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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