Chapter 700 Time Is Past

That was impossible.

William was the one who had killed Emelie with his own hands and ordered her body to be thrown into the sea. He should be the person who was most certain that she was dead.

Even though he had bought that house, it was only to ease his own guilt and to give his conscience some rest. That was all.

Jodie noticed that Emelie had been standing there for too long and called out to her.

Emelie replied coldly, "Find us a hotel to stay in. We'll return to Capebatt City in three days."

"Alright," Jodie said.

As Emelie turned, she pushed William and his words completely out of her mind. "Jodie, I have William's spies around me. Find out who they are."

"What?" The fact that they had William's spies around them was serious.

Jodie quickly complied. "Yes, I'll do that!"

Three days later, traffic in Borealis City had mostly returned to normal, and Emelie and her team took a plane back to Capebatt City after being away for more than half a month.

Capebatt City had also entered deep winter. It had snowed the previous night, and frost was clinging to the bare branches of trees.

Emelie went straight to the prison to see Charles instead of returning to the hotel to rest.

brought out by the prison guards. When they met, there

she saw him, Emelie slowly recited a poem, "The wind has stilled, and the dust has cleared.

changed. Time's

Tears fall first, words come

Spring', a poem by Quill Leonard. The next lines are: 'I've heard the spring at

I fear that the craft, with my sorrows in tow, might not bear the weight

and sophisticated Mr. Davis from the four

"Mr. Davis, I've only been away on a business trip for half a month. How did you end up like

the poem says, "The world remains, yet all has changed.' You arrived just in time, Ms. Pierce. If you had been

probably only get you five to seven years. It won't be the death penalty. Even if you're

softly. "Ms. Pierce, you're so righteous. I'm really touched. Thank

up this situation just for


hands. He was wearing an orange jumpsuit from the

in this state, so there's no need for you to

you saying that I caused your current

Borealis City by the snowstorm and couldn't even leave the house. My phone was unreliable, so how

at her,

leaned back in her chair and began to ask, "Did I cut

"No," Charles replied.

friends from lending money to

"No," he replied.

I encourage you to use

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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