Chapter 713 An Unexpected Charm

Emelie smiled. "I never said it was you, Mr. Middleton."

Then, her smile faded. "That car was aiming directly at me, but it missed. Immediately after, someone involved me in an old case, labeling me as a suspect and restricting me from leaving Capebatt City.

"These two incidents are clearly targeting me. To say they aren't connected or orchestrated by the same person? I don't believe it."

William listened in silence. He knew that Emelie wouldn't be sharing this with him for no reason. Their relationship wasn't close enough for casual conversations.

Sure enough, Emelie asked, "If I remember correctly, you once asked me if Frankie was dead. Why did you suddenly ask me that?"

This was the real reason why she got in his car and accepted his food. She had a purpose for doing so.

In fact, William had also just been thinking about this.

Emelie waited for a while but William remained silent. A smirk played on her lips. "If it's inconvenient for you to say, just forget that I asked. I won't force you."

she had no intention of wasting another second

didn't say I wouldn't tell you. I was just thinking about how to

Emelie paused.

said, "Sit down.

was equipped with amenities like a fridge. Emelie


but the weather is cold right now. If

took out a bottle of wine and grabbed two

whiskey, poured herself a glass, and then set it

Emelie didn't think William deserved the effort of pouring him a drink or if she

and got straight to the point. "Back then, I asked you that because Charles told me that Beathan had evidence of your crimes and could use it to

out a short

surprised at all to hear

already suspected this matter was

of suspects had

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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